I already put the word out (by replying to some mails and tellling about the next date - it’s also on our website already). If @manuelpueyo could send the newsletter tomorrow, I think it should be OK? I will also post on H&P and Samenhuizen then.
@reeflings Would you be available to attend the public presentation February 27? The more the merrier! Please fill in the poll below. If we aren’t enough, we could still cancel the presentation and fix a new date.
So for the moment, it looks like we’re moving ahead with that date, largely based on Mieke’s confidence Hopefully there’ll be an extra effort made in the registration drive. Dave has already indicated that he’ll be there for the bar, and other than the key collection and the beamer set up, nothing requires any previous knowledge or experience. Nearer the time I’ll prep people for taking care of those things, once we have a clearer idea about who is available. And worst case scenario, if the registrations or support crew aren’t looking good a week before, it wouldn’t be the hardest thing to shift the date forward. We have a pretty good relationship with Victor at Miro, and I’m sure he would play our game…
thank you Lee. i dont have a facebook account and i am having more and more ethical and moral issues using facebook. so i prefer not to do it. but having said that, for those who would like to take this task, the minimum is just to create a duplicate of the previous event and change the registration link and date. should be 2 min to do
The text linked above took me about an hour to draft it. I put a lot of thought in it, and as a result it is vacant of AI generated blabbery. This is now the second time that this text is not sent out, and the second time the newsletter contains errors (this time: the text on the location of the available apartment).
It’s important to me that the text is accurate and concrete, and it also feels good if the work I put in does not go to waste. May I please ask you to use my text for the next episode?
The event will take place in two weeks, and we still only have three registrations. This worries me a lot. Adding a layer of anxiety because a presentation only got a small number of participants is the last thing we need at this moment.
The small amount of Reeflings that can be present also worries me. Being numerous creates this nice vibe, and I’m not sure we can be as convincing with a small number of Reeflings.
On the practical front I see that the Facebook event is still not online. Please don’t underestimate how much indirect impact this has, in terms of people coming across it and then telling other people (i.e. "through a friend has its origins on Facebook).
Taking all this together I would be grateful if you could shortly reconsider all factors and see whether it is not better to postpone the event. As a presentation needs a run-up of three weeks, the sooner we take this decision, the more time we save.
I have no problem at all reconsidering the date. @ugne and @mieke - any objections?
@Lee - as we arrived at that date together, perhaps you could coordinate with the rest of the team about shifting it a week, as I won’t be here during that period. If it shifts to the week beginning 10 March, I would be available to participate Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, although I would have to shift the training I am giving to the new AMs if it was on Wednesday…
Also, if the date shifts, someone with better French than me will have to call Victor at Miro about room availability. As I said previously, shouldn’t be a problem…
There is 5 registrations so far, which is not bad I think because it only came online yesterday. But OK for me if you want to cancel this one. However I will be very busy for work in March so I cannot commit for the day of the presentation itself. I can do the usual preparation though. Can you let me know the new date, so that I can mail the people who registered already & update the communication our our website, H&P and Samenhuizen. Thanks.
We are looking at postponing the presentation to the week of 10 March. One key factor is having enough people who can be present. Ideally we would need 2-3 people at 18:30, 1-2 more at 19:00 and then, if possible 3 or more after 20:00.
Can you please indicate whether you would be available ASAP?
@reef-recruitment do you think we could decide on the date today? Because the publications with the old date are still out there and it would be easier to change the date immediately instead of deleting and reposting thanks!
So as @Lee is available to actually give the presentation on all three dates in the poll above, I’m going suggest that we do it on the 12th, for the sole reason that there are the most people available to participate…
I can talk to @ugne when we do the Q&A this evening about changing the date with Miro…
@mieke - totally get why you would want to do this sooner rather than later, but perhaps wait for Ugne to contact Victor at Miro (which may be possible tonight), just in case we can’t have the 12th and have to readjust…
hi @mieke
it would be so great if you could replace me, if you don’t mind. I had 7 online meetings today, and I am cuite (as they say in French), it would be so appreciated if i could stay outside the screen. Don’t you mind?