Next steps towards the Reef/Lote6/Pop up Care Village (notes from the call 2 Jan 2017)

Today I and @Nadia discussed the tasks for the upcoming weeks that will bring us closer to establishing both the permanent space for Edgeryders somewhere in Europe and help us build the annual event. In the next weeks we will:

  • Write a short, clear description of a space we need and our requirements, as well as an offer and a plan on how this place would work. We will use a crowdfunding campaign format to craft it - both because it helps organize our thinking, but also because we will probably use it to run fundraising in the near future. Then we shoot a short video based on it. (to be done by the end of this week)
  • We have to recontact all possible hosts and partners in Thessaloniki, Lille, Galway, Milano in order to see if there is interest and possibility to cooperate with the local communities and find a space that would like to host edgeryders more permanently. (By the end of this week, Natalia is taking over Thessaloniki, Lile, and Milano). Some more places to add to the list? Brussels, Milano and Vienna possibly...
  • We'll contact the hacking summer camp in the Netherlands in order to combine their event with the Pop-up Village - this way we spare our time and effort at least partly on the logistics and offer an interesting addition to an existing event with an established audience. Once this is ready, we prepare a call for stories again - and those who will share their stories on the platform (and those who have already done this in the past), will be invited to join the event to showcase their work, use the crowdfunding opportunity, and/or participate in a hackathon. This way we can engage with ideas on various stages - those that are close to implementation but would use a bit of tweaking, those that work since a long time but might want to recalibrate and refresh, and anything in between. 
  • After that, probably in the next two weeks, we restart community calls and prepare social media campaign to help us promote and mobilize the community. We begin crafting the program of the event, possibly fundraise to help it happen. 

Besides, we need to establish a Slack-like channel  set up an installation of on our server in order for us to communicate faster and harvest ideas more easily. Our work will be continuously documented in Edgeryders WIkis and blogposts.

Contacted Summer Camp in Netherlands re PopUp village collab

Did  quick writeup of what we want to do, process etc. (shared doc with you). And have contacted the people I know who are involved in building SHA2017. Let’s see what they respond :slight_smile:

Once we have the location and dates ready, then it’s much easier to get momentum going. So I will push to make this happen before 9th Jan.

Next is weekly calls. Got suggestion for day and time that works for you? I think Sat or Sun after 15:00 so also people with normal jobs and US based community members can participate…

@Nadia, we can try that - although I am not sure if people want to talk on skype in the middle of their weekends (maybe as it’s cold outside, they do;)). Let’s schedule, announce and see how it goes

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[call 11/1] Template partnership letter and upcoming tasks

@Natalia_Skoczylas please check the LOTE6 drive where I recommend keeping all our documents for cleanliness. Add there previous documents and resources you have?

Actionables for the two of us:

  • contact potential partners + community/openandchange members this week (both of us - help me fill in the sheet "Network to contact.."? 

    I wrote a template invitation drawing from this group description and your previous comms. It needs to be adjusted for each person we contact…  for cities/ hosts: add more details about the space? for committed partners: add opportunities to shine

  • set up call(s) for next week to touch base with people who expressed interest (Natalia)
  • set up a collaborative environment here on edgeryders where we will be able to follow up - similar to openandchange (Noemi)

Lurking, reading but not much free time

Just to let you all know that i’m very much paying attention and interested in doing what i can to help make all this work.

I’m playing catch up with European life and i’ve got a trip to Thessaloniki (looking forward to meeting @Aravella_Salonikidou) from this weekend so will probably be quiet for a week or so. If there are proofing/editing jobs that you’d like me to look at drop me an email (like @Nadia did today for the template for hosts) and i’ll make some time to make that happen. Otherwise i expect to be more available towards the end of the month once things have calmed down a bit with work/life.

No worries

Thanks for the help, and good luck in Greece <3

Very bad weather!

@Alex Levene we have very bad weather and it’s almost impossible to drive from town to the camps. I hope next week will be better.

We have a response from SHA, as expected, our message got lost. I will make sure we have some news from them within a week. I also recontacted Lile with a couple of questions and ideas - this is a very informal communication we’re having since December. I hope to arrange a call for us for the next week about both the reef and the pop-up village.

Also the response to my letters to members of Openandchange was very positive - i will be lining up short discussions with them for the next week.

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