[EDIT: originally I used in VERY INAPPROPRIATE way for this context word F*** in a title. Now I correct myself with replacing it with much more softly put no-no. If you have read this post before and felt offended, I apologize you for that, without expecting forgiveness. If you about to read it for the first time please read it with a grain of salt since I don’t fully agree with myself about what I state here. Call me mad - no problemo ;)]
Haha, crazy #elf throws the F*** word all around! Please don’t feel offended, I don’t swear at people but simply have fun cursing trademarks, branding, and all those kinky fetishes we keep coming up with!
I do admit that I find certain frustration related to my perception of people often getting stuck around brands. If you look at my short post about Freespace, Emerging Leader Labs, MakeSense you will find only 2 replies from @Noemi and @Dorotea on the last one. For contrast unMonastery™ Bergamo post by @Bergamo-Hub sparks 31 comments discussion. Of course one can reason that I simply envy popularity of other topics and just can’t accept that I myself poorly chose topics for discussion. Well, maybe I do, maybe I just suffer Cognitive dissonance and you can simply stop wasting your time reading any further…
“The Fox and the Grapes” by Aesop. When the fox fails to reach the grapes, he decides he does not want them after all.Rationalization (making excuses) is often involved in reducing anxiety about conflicting cognitions, according to cognitive dissonance theory.
I remember @Nadia, during OuiShare Fest 2014 in Paris, saying that she does notice us often having certain tendencies to for getting very attached to brands. And no, I don’t think it justifies in any way my rude behavior here
To stay fair I also can recall happenings which show other, not so much pro-brands tendencies. I feel very proud of @Ben that even while holding quite sensitive role during unMonastery:Matera Pilot Session #1, he said NO to attempts of our dear and beloved fanatics of Comitato Matera 2019 fame to place branding sign of unMonastery and MT2019 on a walls of Palazzo del Casale, I guess as a part of their mass propaganda campaign //#TODO tweet this.url @Matera2019 ✓
While on the topics of the ungenious Matera bid for European Capital of Culture 2019. I must admit, feeling ashamed (or at least thinking I should), that I didn’t take that much time so far to discuss this idea. I don’t doubt in positive intentions of people running MT2019 Committee, still I feel free to develop quite critical opinion about their strategy, of course after I take little more time to understand it better. I would very much like to see references to conversations, from pre-launch stage of unMonastery:Matera Pilot Session #1, where people debate strengths and weaknesses of their strategy. Also having higher odds of NOT becoming Capital of Culture 2019, I would find it much more interesting to see plans of revitalizing this town without holing this supposedly prestigious ECOC title! Maybe this would become the strongest contribution we can offer to local community if we don’t get distracted by ECOC rat race? I can recall @rossellatarantino mentioning some intention in the past to co-operate with other cities participating in this happening. Sadly only those which she has referred to as Italian, but always something
I plan to leave Matera in 3 weeks and till then have already way too much on my plate, still maybe someone would still like to explore this direction. I’ve heard about many people in Matera having very negative opinion about MT2019, maybe with some skilled encouragement we can help those people to channel this negativity into some positive creative actions?
As you may have noticed, If you bothered to read all this mad ramblings, that I don’t draw any clear conclusions or go in very precise directions. I see this post, besides just exercising my poor writing skills, as sort of an attempt to throw a wrench in our mental gears and encourage us all to question our mental patterns and pay attention to our habits and tendencies. Disappointed? Ha… to bad

P.S. Please don’t worry, I don’t feel angry at all and could laugh at myself writing parts of this post!