No plenary meeting tomorrow (25 February 2025)

Hello dear @reeflings,

Just a quick message to let you know that there are not enough topics to organise a plenary meeting tomorrow.

One topic that is still open-ended is the guest room. It doesn’t really require a plenary meeting though. Greatful if you could indicate your consent on the way forward here: Location of buanderie and guestroom - #35 by Lee

Another thing we could have done is my performance review and/or a team review, but I’m personally not sure whether that is worth convening a plenary meeting for. As Erneux said: it’s an ultra-marathon, so any moment that we can get some rest, I believe we should take it.

If anybody would be up for organising drinks in town and/or a games night, please don’t hesitate of course.

As for the next steps: we have two meetings planned with the technical experts, on 3 and on 14 March. What I expect will happen is that they will be presenting us with tonloads of options (heat pumps, rainwater collection and what not) and that we will be discussing these at the plenary meetings of 5 and 15 March. There will also be a meeting with the architects with all Reeflings, but we don’t have the date yet. Both S & F are on holidays, so we are not expecting much news in the coming days either.