Note on Marinexplore

We in Let’s Do It World community paired up with Marinexplore to help catalyze the cleanup of the oceans. Here is Helene from our LDI team that coordinates Meditarranean cleanup:

Missing stuff?

Hello Henri, that sounds really interesting but there seems to be something missing from your post… can you check that some content has not been eaten up?

Also: cleaning up the Mediterranean is a great idea (as an Italian, I sympathize). From the link you posted, however, it seems that the coordinator is based… in Tallinn?? :slight_smile:

Cleaning the oceans: Let’s Do It ²

Did you do it? It says on marinexplore it was supposed to happen last September? Wandering through techical details there, but since you posted this in the context of OuiShare (probably meant to answer my question on your original post?!) I’d be even more curious how does sharing and collaboration happen outside strategy and technical planning? as I think one of the reasons Let’s Do It World is so successful is that it really takes on board active and young people and lowers their involvement costs, it really seems accessible to everyone. Not to mention the hype built around it by assembling teams in advance and allowing volunteers to gain new skills. I now in Cluj my hometown they’re recruiting county logistic coordinator, that’s how specific they are, so it seems like a well oiled machinery…