Notes from the call with UNDP/UNV: May 5th

Alexandra Elena Rosemary + others including Francesco Galtieri!

Arab Youth project, mid-term evaluation report presentation + Q&A

People more likely to get involved in volunteering are

living in urban areas in the main cities

highly educated

involved in established organisations

leadership camps highly appreciated (d’oh)

One in Tunisia (2014), one in Jordan (2013). One Tunisian tried to share the skills he learned in this village. Few days together, discussions, physical exercises, trust exercises. Also people from the interior.

capacity building of CSO by training the trainers also worked. CSOs are eager to be trained.

“They appear to be eager to have this web platform to continue to engage”. Hmmm.

Elena: Appetite for innovation?

Stefania: I interviewed the team leader of ICT4D. […] Yes. But this comes through specific challenges that individual people are interested in.

Elena: Did you interview “one level down”, not the leaders, but the participants?

Stefania: Difficult. But yes. And yes, there is potential in youth volunteering […]

The project has produced materials, like the trainer’s trainer’s manual. People expressed interest to have online access to resources, there is a problem of mobility in the Arab region. I don’t think they would need to be pushed hard to participate.

A “Caravan” idea in Tunisia.

“This project has built expectations.”


Include a sample from the institutional agenda in the inception report (from Elena – ask Millie). I need to go out and meet government, file under national ownership.

“National ownership is non-negotiable. We should discuss with the country offices to figure out how to do it.”

“Bringing everything into one story: all countries, both regions, both agencies.”

“Resource mobilization” => pitching funders

“Traditional funders will run away when they hear about hackers.” This is not our experience!

“We should stay with the issues. Employability is huge enough.” (Millie told me to move away from that… ask the question).

Resource mobilization. Meetings in Brussels, organized by UNDP Brussels office. Guy called Thomas.