A brief scattering of notes from the main portion of Digidem’s workshop on their digital democracy platform, held at SWAP: So What About Politics today in Brussels (worth checking out the line-up - strong curation of the network)…
Facilitated by
Vanessa Tonini (Caelum + Marialab - Brazil)
Sanna Ghotbi (Digidem Lab + City council member - Sweden) -
The workshop aka “install fest” had the goal of gathering feedback on their citizen platform Consul to take to their residency at MediaLabPrado on “Collective intelligence for democracy” coming up this month.
The Consul tool is widely used as participatory platform - 30+ cities and organizations (eg. housing company) - but there is a need to improve it
“The tool won’t make democracy, the people will”
Can put proposals from everywhere but can only vote if registered as Madrid resident
A debate is before a proposal to discuss an issue
The difference with Loomio is that Loomio is better for smaller groups (like organizations) while Consul can be used in larger scale - created for the citizens and the city
- Shared reflections/ discussions:
The importance of managing expectations of civil society and the amount of input and time they put into participatory democratic processes → the importance of feedback loops and visible government responses - Eg. In Madrid 1% (27,000 people) of peer support is needed for a proposal on Consul for the Council to vote on it
Before starting with these platforms we need to ask where is direct democracy already being engaged**
SO important to think about digital literacy and accessibility - eg. Madrid have serving stations for Consul for those people that wouldn’t or can’t access it independently
How you create a culture in the city council for response? Not just a platform/ tool but needs to be a part of a whole strategy → Also importance of how you present the tool as this affects who uses it
See G1000 face-to-face method from Brussels - random citizen proposals for development
(This was my main point…) The importance of incorporating the function of community collaboration to mobilise autonomous responses into the platform. Also knowing that there are discussions offline as well and balancing between them + leveraging the participatory processes that are already working in the locale.
A key concern in the discussion was security issues - No SSL on landing page - way too easily hacked. The site is encrypted and disaggregating data through user journeys. Also importance of anonymity for users - how has the platform been developed in a participatory process?
See DECODE project (“Giving people ownership of their data”)
- How these participatory democratic platforms can translate to regional or even global issues?
- Other ways of deciding that aren’t based on the majority
- Potential of neighbourhood associations to mobilize / partner for access/ engagement/ motives by citizens
- Importance of aligning processes/ methodologies between online and offline consultation