An International Event on alternative technological paths for Europe imagined through Science Fiction and Economics

At this online and physical event participants will co-create a fictional world as a staging point, or a simulation, of interdependencies between networked technologies and different economic and philosophical futures - specifically for tightly-designed social structures that have deviated from the present-day order.

To prevent these from being the realm of mere fantasy, this world requires several important criteria to be met - resources are not infinite; social contracts must be well-defined; both political systems and economic systems must be rationalized; and the fictional societies upholding these new social contracts must necessarily get along with other economic systems, and do not have the luxury of a Randian exit.

In real life, futures and policy planners face a more specific challenge. There is a general need to turn the ingredients of today into more resilient societies, especially those that can survive externalities like economic collapse, pandemics and climate change. What elements of different economic and governance systems show potential? How to ensure that future development, deployment and monetisation of internet technologies enable, rather than hinder, them?

We bridge this gap with a new event format for our Conference on Next Generation Internet technologies: Sessions of different teams playing a card game that simulates policymaking.

Why Participate?

This event is a unique opportunity to

  • Imagine alternate, better futures and how you and your organisation can help make it happen.
  • Connect with experts who can help ensure the ideas are practical.
  • Access people with the skills and networks needed to bring them into reality.

When & Where

Date & Time: November 29, 10:00 - 19:00
Location: Online + Physical event in Brussels.

About the organisers

The event is coordinated by Edgeryders: The Collective Intelligence company. We help organisations and groups to harness the power of collective intelligence for wiser, more effective ways to work together and make decisions. It is part of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, launched by the European Commission in the autumn of 2016 and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 825652 from 2019-2021.




Participation is free of charge, but places are limited - especially to the physical event which takes place in Brussels.

To secure your spot, register here now