[nRich] - giving early school leavers a second chance!

Hi everyone!

My name is Mona. I am 25 years old and from Germany. There, I studied "International Business - Intercultural Studies". At the end of my studies I did an internship at the Diversity Management Europe department of Deutsche Telekom in Vienna, Austria - the most beautiful city :) I stayed because new opportunities opened up to me.  Currently, I work for http://www.freims.cc contemporary consulting for transformation, innovation & impact, I co-host at http://vienna.the-hub.net/ and a couple of months ago, I took over project and team management for [nRich] - a program that aims at equipping early school leavers with those abilities that help them emerge as successful young (wo)men and positive contributors of society! The project is very important to me as it is about people and change - which is exactly what I am passionate about.


[nRich] - we develop 2 year programs for young adults in Vienna who left the early school system before secondary qualification. Especially in Vienna, this problem is important to address as the city has the highest rate, 15.4%, of early school leavers in the EU. Our aim is to open the eyes of young people to our wolrd full of opportunities. With the program we will create freedom of learning and action, and tackle the stigmatization of school dropout. The program is going to be dynamic, playful, challenging, and project-based. We are going to impart entrepreneurial skills, to focus on personal development, and to integrate the participants into the social network of the HUB Vienna. They will reorientate themselves and prepare themselves for the next step in their lives.

The final of the social impact award

In order to finance the implementation I subitted our project idea to the Social Impact Award 2012. I am happy to announce that we are among the finalists: 15 young social entrepreneurs from Austria, Romania and the Czech Republic. Please support us by voting: http://socialimpactaward.net/participation/community-voting/ The Community Award winners of each country receive € 1.500,- and additional support to facilitate the implementation of  their project idea. Simultaneously, an international jury evaluates the same projects and awards Social Impact Award Stipends (consisting of € 4.000,- and additional support).

In any case - if you are close to Vienna and want to get to know me and the project contact me or come to the Hub for the International Award Ceremony on the 1st of June at 6pm. I will be there to celebrate the winners - if we are among them or not :slight_smile:

All the best to the rest of Europe, Mona

This could actually work!

Very elegant solution! I used to be a Hub member when i lived in Milano, and if Vienna’s is similar it could indeed be a good envirornment in which to embed early school leavers. Is the idea yours? Congratulations! I am off to vote for [N]rich.

here, now, us


welcome to Edgeyders. I really really like the sound of this project, and voted for you guys. Is it up and running et? If not, where are you guys at the moment and what are the next steps you need to take?

school and chance great binomial

hello Anomona, great project! I voted for you…I really understand what mean working on a project like that and how important is support shool drop out and social inclusion in a risk area. I worked for a project similar to nRich called “Scuole Aperte” Open Schools. it involved about 1000 schools in  Campania (south Italy ). Hope all my best for your project and if you would like to compare methodologies or want to know more about it…just let me know! Irene

How did it go?

Hey, Mona, did you win? :slight_smile:


Hey everyone - thanks for the support! The award cermony is next week on Friday - so its stays exciting! The original project idea was not mine but I helped working on it for a while and since about March I took over project and team management in order to save and drive the project. So we are still in the planning phase and can definitely use insights from your experiences! I would really like to know more about what the “Scuole Aperte” Irene!