Nuka? Anyone have connections with the Nuka System of Care Alaska?

I’ve cut and paste the text below from the web - just wondered if anyone had existing links as it sounds as though there’s potential connections for OpenCare in general?

"Southcentral Foundation is a non-profit health care organisation serving a population of around 60,000 Alaska Native and American Indian people in Southcentral Alaska, supporting the community through what is known as the Nuka System of Care (Nuka being an Alaska Native word meaning strong, giant structures and living things).

Nuka was developed in the late 1990s after legislation allowed Alaska Native people to take greater control over their health services, transforming the community’s role from ‘recipients of services’ to ‘owners’ of their health system, and giving them a role in designing and implementing services. Nuka is therefore built on partnership between Southcentral Foundation and the Alaska Native community, with the mission of ‘working together to achieve wellness through health and related services’. Southcentral Foundation provides the majority of the population’s health services on a prepaid basis."

Updated link

“Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care is based on what customer-owners really want – a primary focus on building and maintaining relationships.”

“The Nuka System of Care is a departure from “beneficiaries” or “patients” serving as mere recipients of tests, diagnoses, and pills. Instead, customer-owners actively share responsibility for the success of the health care system and for their family’s health and wellness.”

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