OCI Lab Info Session

AMfricam/Tuni0iamAMfricam/Tuni0iam I OurGhema Space, 4100 Medenine
Organisers: @yosser @zmorda @sohayeb

If you have an idea that answers a real community need and solves a social or environmental problem, or if you have a set of skills and you wish to take part of a social venture, then come and learn more about our exciting opportunities during our first info session which will take place at @Yosser 's OurGhema Coworking Space on Tuesday at 9:30 am!

“Open Collective Intelligence Lab” is the first P2P virtual incubator to support aspiring young social entrepreneurs in the MENA region through online mentoring, fellowships and networking.

Open Collective Intelligence labs are part of a mutual support program for social entrepreneurs powered by the Edgeryders Community. We use our collective intelligence to help one another navigate the complexities of building self-sustaining solutions to social, economic and ecological challenges.

Registration to info session in Medenine: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oci-lab-infosession-at-ourghema-tickets-68562748025


I think maybe we should share this opportunity on Forsa to be able to reach more people in the MENA region :slight_smile: