Offline Tasks Lab 2 Feedback

Dear project leaders,

Thank you for taking the time to prepare and submit the offline tasks. Overall, you have done a very good job and you are on the right track.

Here’s the feedback delivered to those who submitted their work within the deadlines:

@HadeerGhareeb , Egypt, Didi-Asks
Dear Hadeer,

Overall you have done a very good job.

As areas for improvement, I would suggest you to add some accuracy to some hypotheses such as hypothesis 1 (people is a broad concept), hypothesis 2 (workers is a not very accurate customer segment) and hypothesis 4 ((in certain fields, you should specify which ones?).



@Hsan Haddar Spellit

Dear Hsan,

I have looked over your hypotheses and you have done a great job.

As areas for improvement, I would advise you to:

Hypothesis 1: Be more specific regarding the customer segment (parents is too wide)

Hypothesis 5 is very well formulated, to improve it, you should bring more accuracy with regard to the measurement of the progress of the children by the parent or someone else (how it will measured?)



@salaheddine Ogontayo, Tunisia, Identity Co.

Dear Salaheddine,

Overall you have done a very good job.

I have enjoyed reading your work and knowing better about your app.

As areas for improvement, I would advise you to make some hypotheses quantifiable by adding some metrics.

Also, the VPC and the Value proposition ad-lib are well prepared. Since you have a multisided app, you should also prepare the same for the small businesses.



@ayari.taha , Tunisia, Artificial intelligence for alzheimer’s and dementia predicition

Dear Taha,
Overall you have done a very good job.
I have enjoyed reading your work and knowing better about your app.
As areas for improvement, I would advise you to make some hypotheses quantifiable by adding some metrics. As a matter of fact, the gain should be tested since it’s the main reason people will buy your product, it can be :saving time in the diagnosis, delaying the impact of the disease, better rates of detection of the disease, etc. (you know them better than I do)

@saif.eddine.laalej Morocco, Zelij Invent

Dear Saifeddine,

Overall you have done a very good job.

As areas for improvement, I would suggest that you add metrics to some hypotheses in order to be able to test them later, especially because in your value proposition canvas you mentioned the lower price that you are offering and a better quality.



@mohamed75, Egypt, colex

Dear Mohamed,

Overall you have done a very good job.
As areas for improvement, I would advise you to make some hypotheses quantifiable by adding some metrics. Also, try to classify the hypothesis to identify your riskiest ones (the one that would kill the business in the first 6 months if they are wrong)
With regard to the VPC, the customer profile is not prepared correctly. You should prepare it from the customer perspective: what he does with regard to the need he has? What he is looking for to be satisfied? What are the pains, the fears, the burden, the frustrations that he might have?


@MohsenMahdaoui ,Tunisia,PaillEco

Dear Mohsen,
Overall you have done a very good job.
As areas for improvement, I would suggest you to:
- Reduce the number of hypotheses and focus only on the hypotheses related to the targeted customer segment, customer pains and customer gains.
- The turtle cannot be a persona, the second one is very relevant. I don’t know if you plan to target individuals, if yes, in that case you should have a persona that represents individual customers.
- The value proposition adlib is good. Well done.


@Jihad issami kenzimor

Dear Jihad,

Overall you have done a very good job.
The persona and the value proposition adlib are very good.
The hypotheses are not formulated in the conventional templates, this is why I didn’t understand them. I would advise you to follow the suggested templates and to sketch one or 2 quantified hypotheses.

Here are some examples of hyotheses templates:

A [Specific Person] makes a [Decision/Behavior] because of a [Quantified Metric].

I believe [target market] will [do this action / use this solution] for [this reason].

We believe people like [customer type] have a need for (or problem doing)[need/action/behavior].



Feedback @Yasser Machat

Dear Yasser,

I have looked over your hypotheses, persona and value proposition and you have done a very good job.

here are my comments to improve further your work:

Hypotheses and persona are well sketched. Well done!
There are some areas for improvement with regard to the value proposition canvas. take the customer profile, there is some kind of confusion between the customer job and the customer gains. Jobs aree rather about the tasks done by the customer to satisfy a need or to solve a problem while “gain time finding places faster” is rather a gain. This is why if you take a look on the value map and more precisely the product and services block you can see that it doesn’t match with the current customer job. So I would advise you to review the VPC.

Also, since you have people looking for information and people sharing information (content creators) may be you should create a VPC for each group.

The value proposition ad-lib is good but you could improve it. You said: Our initiative helps tourists and local internet users who want to know more information about Tunisian Cities …How?.. by creating a network of content creators and using them to create content and share accurate information about the city they want to visit → This is the process, it would be better to say by given them the opportunity to get access to an accurate and verified information provided by contributors who know the city they plan to visit.

*Best *

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Thank you, I have amended the task but i don’t know where should i share it here or shall i resent it.

thank you

Dear @HadeerGhareeb , please create a new post to update our community members about your project progress.
As for your offline tasks you can send it by private message using the edgeryders inbox if it is confidential or you can share it as an independent section on your follow up post so Mr @Wajdibr can give you his feedbacks and your peers can also benefit from your discussion

Thank you mr @Wajdibr for your feedback. Please find inbox my second offline task file updated.

Feedback @HIBA Diyafa - Morocco

Dear Hiba,
Overall you have done a very good job.
The Hypotheses are good and relevant, well done!
The value proposition Ad-lib and the persona are good also.
There are some issues with the VPC. For example, in the gain creatorsin the value map, instead of mentionning some product features such as possibility of traveling solo and choosing the dates, etc. you could mention how you will create value , by making it personalized and customized. So customization creates value and the product features make it possibe.

Also, the pain relievers are about how your offering will reduce the pain experienced by the customers when doing their jobs, in other words how you will reduce unsafety and inaccessibility?

If you look at your customer profile, you have to make adjustments with regard to customer pains, i.e. what are the issues, problems, fears frustrations that the customer is having when it comes to do its job (which is having a trip to the rural areas?). Also, customer jobs are about the tasks done by the customer when trying to solve his/her problem and not his/her objectives or aims.

So, I would invite you to update the VPC following my advice and update also the Value Proposition Ad-Lib.




I have taken a look at your work and you have done a good job.

Overall, the hypotheses are good. Regarding the quantitative/measurable aspect, it should relate to the value created and not to the customer segment. Also, there is one obvious hypothesis, i.e. “The government needs to build an affordable and durable infrastructure to overcome the regions isolation issue” however, the hypothesis could be for example if it’s a top priority for the government or not?

The Persona is fine.

Regarding the VPC, since you have several customer segments, it’s better that you create a VP for each CS. There are some areas for improvement with regard to the customer profile. Gains are ok. Customer job are about the tasks done by the customers currently to solve their problems. Pains are good but you can improve them further.

The value proposition ad-lib is good. I would advise you to add also the cost (value for money) since you mentioned that it’s cheaper than the existing alternatives.




Thank you very much for your feed back.
Can i send you the updated VPC and Value Proposition Ad-lib once i’m done?


Dear mr @Wajdibr Thank you so much for your feedback you will find inbox the updated version of the 2nd offline task. Also I want to ask you about the 3th offline task feedback, I sent it on 08/01 but I didn’t get the feedback yet should I resent it inbox?. Thank you !


Dear Saif Eddine,

I didn’t receive it. Please send it inbox.



Yes, you’re welcome.



Dear Zayneb,

I have taken a look at your hypotheses and overall they are interesting however you could improve them further in order to effectively test them later on:

- Your hypotheses mention several variables/issues at the same time, take as an example hypothesis 1: you mentioned many factors that motivate people to buy your products. It would be better to focus on the most important factor and to sketch a hypothesis in that sense.

- You should formulate clear, simple and accurate hypotheses about customer problems, pains, gains, etc. your second and third hypotheses include many information at the same time. Besides, they are not measurable/ quantitative.



Thank you Mr wajdi for your feedback