On the importance of a weblayout checkup

Hi, since ER is the platform for OpenCare and related OpenAndChange I think the issues of Responsiveness and Accessibility (as of W3C) should be taken very serious.

I know that US instituions are OBLIGED to adhere to Accessibility requirements, it would be a pitty risk 100M grant on such a detail.

If I can ill be happy to contribute

Could you do an estimate of what we should budget for this?

ALOT of the work that doesn’t get done is because we simply do not have enough hands on deck. Several of us put in large amounts of time on volunteer basis, but as the community grows and requirements on the platform increase we need help. Key things  that others can do is in to help @Matthias with the hands on coding work or @Noemi with community management or me with fundraising/sales. E.g. helping craft more ideas and then get on the core team driving them, like what we are doing with OpenAndChange :slight_smile:

Let me/us know if you are up for any of this?

Could it be as simple as just using one of these

Thanks @Nadia. I don’t know your platform but take a look at this theme: https://www.drupal.org/project/genesis

Validation and Accessibility Gensis validates XHTML Strict (D6), HTML5 (D7), CSS3 and is WCAG AA and WAVE compliant.

Background info


At the moment of writing i’m a bit baffled about the ‘ER values’ due to various responses. So I don’t know if I can be constructive.

PS what is ALOT acronym for?

Alot = mycket :slight_smile:

Not an acronym. Ok looking at the theme, thanks!

Beware themes

As far as I know, Drupal Commons is only compatible with the one theme. Changing it will break the interactive features  (might work for static pages).

That does not mean the issue is unimportant. It does mean it is messy and expensive to solve.

The origin of all that is that the Drupal community made a distribution geared towards online communities that does not pay a lot of attention to accessibility. As with all open source projects, early design decisions created dependencies and are now hard to reverse.

Alt Tags

A lot of accessibility is using alt tags to make sure sightless people and those with other reasons to have an audio version of a page because they can’t use their hands.  Not real complicated, but can be tedious to ensure.  Do Drupal Themes not provide for that?

Design for lazyness

We do have an alt tag for uploading images. I make a point of always using it.

But people are lazy, this stuff requires iron discipline and it’s better to farm out to technology as much of it as possible. I agree with @Rune on that.