Onboarding in October

Hi @reeflings !

A reminder that a number of exploring households will be deciding on whether to take the next step by 16 October. If you have had a one-on-one with Exploring Members, then it is important to keep in touch, to make sure that they know about the opportunities available to interact with the project and other members, and also to have all the information that they need. Having said that, our policy is to find the balance between reaching out and not putting a lot of effort into chasing people :slight_smile:

So, in terms of upcoming events, we have:

Sociocracy training - 11 October (evening)
Plenary - 15 October (morning)
NVC training - 15 October (afternoon)

There are also a few team meetings coming up:

Team Finance - 9 October (evening)
Team Building - 12 October (evening)

Both Exploring and Associate Members are welcome to attend team meetings as observers, to see how we get things done at this level.

There is also the ‘Tasks and teams for new Reeflings’ document (https://c301.nl.tabdigital.eu/f/87407) to point new members to, for those thinking about how they might contribute to the project if they take the next step.

Finally, if you have met an exploring household for a one-on-one, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be their buddy if they decide to take the next step… this is something that can be decided later. However, for the initial period before that decision, you are the go-to person for helping people get connected (Edgeryders and Nextcloud) and meet the crew (see above).



Hi @ChrisM We’d love to join but sadly can’t make any of these dates this week… I’ve been looking around but can’t really find a calendar with all events for the coming weeks. Could you point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Hey Loic! Nice to see you on the platform :slight_smile: There’s a calendar tab at the top of the Nextcloud home page. Let’s have a chat soon about the best way to move forward… :slight_smile:

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Hi @Loicdb here is the link :slight_smile:


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