Online (free) talk about Car Cognition at Driverlessworldschool

Hello all, I research & teach Autonomous Vehicle business with an aspiration to mentor diverse backgrounds of people to pivot their careers to build out the connected and autonomous space which impacts all industries.

Tomorrow Wed 9am pt/18 cest my past student Igor Tryndin, an AV engineer at NVidia is my guest speaker to my online AV Masterclass. Igor is speaking to educate about Car Cognition and is not representing his company. I’d love to invite some of you interested in this topic to join us.

Reg at

It is fully online and you need to register to get a secure online class link (not to be shared with others). Feel free to say ‘yes’ to opt-out emails if you don’t want to get any other email than this one invite for future class speakers on this topic.



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Sounds very interesting,

We already have two calls happening at that time, one on Data Science in context with COVID, one on prekariat in high education, so I wont be able to join.

But thank you for sharing this here.

@johncoate and @pbihr, do you maybe know people to ping who would be interested in joining this?

Sorry, was to late to respond in time.

HI Sudha, how did it go? I’m afraid i couldn’t make it to your class, it clashed with a prior commitment :frowning:

An old acquaintance just launched their platform for shippers and carriers to use and manage electric and autonomous freight transport. Curious what you think of it!