Hello, anyone interested in participating to the event?
@alberto @noemi @melancon @rossana_torri @costantino @lakomaa @jason_vallet @bpinaud @markomanka
CAPSELLA is co-organising together with the eROSA and Aginfra+ projects the workshop “The roadmap to better food: using ICT and open data to overcome barriers in the agriculture value chain “.
The workshop is organized within the Open Science Fair – OSFair2017 in Athens, Greece 6-8 September 2017 and will inspire the audience to discuss the importance of open data in agri-food and the current and potential evolution of infrastructures that can support Open Science in this field. It will focus on how to link generic e-infrastructures and domain-specific ones, preparing the vision of the targeted e-infrastructure for open science in agri-food research.
Detailed information and agenda can be found on the conference website: http://opensciencefair.eu/workshops/parallel-day-1-1/the-roadmap-to-better-food-using-ict-and-open-data-to-overcome-barriers-in-the-agriculture-value-chain
The aim of the OSFair is to showcase the elements required for the transition to Open Science: e-infrastructures and services, policies as guidance for good practices, research flows and new types of activities (disseminate, mine, review, assess, etc.), and the roles of the respective actors and their networks.
It is the first international conference organized jointly by four EU funded consortia in the area of Open Science: OpenAIRE (www.openaire.eu), OpenUP (www.openup-h2020.eu), Foster (www.fosteropenscience.eu) and OpenMinTeD (www.openminted.eu), who share the vision of a science that is free of accessibility and information barriers and is an enabler of social innovation.
For more information and registrations, we invite you to take a look at the Open Science Fair 2017 website: http://www.opensciencefair.eu.
The preliminary programme is now online and promises a great line-up of speakers (http://www.opensciencefair.eu/speakers) and workshops (http://www.opensciencefair.eu/workshops).
In addition, keep track of all the latest announcements and updates on Twitter: @osfair2017.
Registrations are still open for this exciting event: http://www.opensciencefair.eu/register
Eleni Toli
Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, University of Athens /
ATHENA Research and Innovation Center
In Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies
Tel. +30 210 727 5188
Fax +30 210 727 5185
Email elto@di.uoa.gr