Hey zoe, have you tried doing stuff with/as the page?
Ps. We are very careful that the FB page is only really used to share links and that the discussions and documentation happen on the Er platform. Otherwise we cannot do the research. So better that you post things in here, and then share links to it on FB/Twitter/linkedin.
“Ps. We are very careful that the FB page is only really used to share links and that the discussions and documentation happen on the Er platform. Otherwise we cannot do the research. So better that you post things in here, and then share links to it on FB/Twitter/linkedin.”
… that social media channels related to Edgeryders or projects are set up as amplifiers of conversations, not replacing Edgeryders.eu conversations, which is our platform for data collection & research (ethnography, semantic analysis). It is also our coordination space in OpenCare, which means that if activities are happening in Milano, or Bordeaux, everyone can learn about them on edgeryders (for example they are posted as events), without necessarily having to follow the diverse social channels.
maybe it could be useful to add me and @Rossana_Torri as admin of the page to better promote our events. We are fully aware that the main social is the platform but we should increase the number of likes of the page.