Opencare in the academia?

For what it’s worth … Thanks @brenoust for sending the info.

A IEEE event calling for submission for its first cross disciplinary conference on “Humanitarian Technology”, including Healthcare. Go have a look:

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Synthetic biohacking and Wetware hackathons and conferences

One of the things I picked up at re:Publica is that we ought to be looking at open wetware and synthetic biohacking. E.g. this experimental initiative in which they are attempting to use some of the properties of silk produced from recombinant bacteria to break quorum sensing (ping @markomanka see

I’ve only begun to scratch at the surface and have come across the Registry of Standard Biological Parts - a growing collection of genetic parts use for building biological devices and systems and IGEM (where future life scientists go to get their freak on). You can see the mind boggling list of what participants have come up with here (click on “team abstracts”):

It might not be a bad idea to run a webinar on biohacking (presenting some of the most relevant, useful and really unexpected results coming out of biohacking experiments). I know a couple of people who are active in the scene and could do a good job given a litte direction. ping @Costantino @zoescope


Yes the wet is an hype.

Superinteresting we’re looking for some nerds :wink:

Technology, schmechnology

This seems to be a hardcore tech conference. Not sure how they would resonate with our “not a tech problem” approach…

That said, I really like the approach of looking for academic conferences where we could go make some noise.