OpenCare video shooting during LOTE5, please let us know when you are available!

Sam Muirhead will be shooting video with the OpenCare consortium team members at the times below. Please check your travel times, and the event program to determine your availability. Then in the wiki below please add the required information


First and Last name, Mobile Number, Times when you are available

  1. Nadia EL-Imam, +32485079163, Mornings (early) + Lunches + Late nights
  2. Alberto +32 4 8507 4709 afternoon only at the Edgespace
  3. Guy Melançon, morning + afternoon at the Edgespace


First and Last name, Mobile Number, Times when you are available

  1. Nadia EL-Imam, +32485079163, Mornings (early) + Lunches + Late nights
  2. Alberto, +32485074709, only 17.00-18.00 at the Edgespace
  3. Guy Melançon, only 17.00-18.00 at the Edgespace
  4. Ezio Manzini, afternoon at the Edgespace
  5. Marco Manca, +41 75 411 6897, anytime except during the OpenCare consortium meeting
  6. Noemi Salantiu, lunch at Edgespace
  7. Rossana Torri,; anytime except during the OpenCare consortium meeting
  8. Luce Chiodelli, anytime except during the OpenCare consortium meeting
  9. Erik Lakomaa +46709307599, anytime except during the OpenCare consortium meeting


First and Last name, Mobile Number, Times when you are available

  1. Nadia EL-Imam, +32485079163, Mornings (early) + Lunches + Late night
  2. Rossana Torri,; Lunches
  3. Zoe h.18-19
  4. Costantino h 18-19 +39 329861659


First and Last name, Mobile Number, Times when you are available

  1. Nadia EL-Imam, +32485079163, Mornings (early) + Lunches + Late nights
  2. Zoe h.18-19
  3. Costantino h 18-19 +39 329861659


First and Last name, Mobile Number, Times when you are available

  1. Nadia EL-Imam, +32485079163, Mornings (early) + Lunches + Late nights
  2. Alberto, afternoon + evening
  3. Noemi, +40 755 038718, morning
  4. Erik Lakomaa +46709307599, morning


1. Who are the Op3nCarers? 

We meet a number of credible, committed and qualified people taking responsibility for fixing problems. Each presents how they are dealing with a (problematic) situation related to health- and social care, science and technologies and or communities.


  • Background: High resolution video - Person doesn't say anything, looks straight into camera.
  • Foreground: Text- Full Name, Professional title and organisational affiliation, Country (location, not nationality)


  1. Meet [name of person].
  2. He/She is a [professional role/title/identity].
  3. That means he/she does a,b,c and helps you to avoid e,f,g.
  4. [Name of person] is currently in situation h : e.g. "Marie has a pacemaker due to a genetic condition"
  5. He/She has discovered that [ alarming or surprising thing] 
  6.  [Name of person] is asking [some question relevant to opencare: e.g. in marie's case it is "What is the social contract for the code running in our bodies?"

End individual interview snippets with:

  • What's your story- maybe you have questions you would like to explore with others ?
  • Meet [Name of Person] and the rest of the Op3nCare community at


2. What do [ Op3nCarers or Names of Interviewees] have in common?

Voice over:

  • They see a number of trends which together form future we are ill-equipped to deal with. 
  • For most of humanity's history, care services – which today we call health and social care – were provided by communities: family members, friends and neighbours would check on each other to make sure everyone was fine, keep an eye on each other's children or elderly parents, even administer simple medical treatments.
  • Starting from the second half of the 20th century, developed countries switched to systems where the care providers were professionals, working for the government and modern corporations.
  • This new solution has achieved brilliant results, based on the deployment of scientific knowledge and technology.
  • However, over the past 20 years it has come under growing strain due to three trends:
  • The demand for professional care (health care, social care, daycare for children, care for elderly people…) seems limitless, but the resources our economies allocate to it clearly are not.
  • Many attempts to rationalise the system and squeeze some extra productivity out of it seems to dehumanise people in need of care, who get treated as batches in a manufacturing process.
  • Privacy and security concerns in the age of ubiquotous connectivity. Increasingly intimate data generated about us and shared beyond our control, or that of the institutions meant to protect our rights.

Animation: current situations — current ways of doing things-----> current (negative) futures.


3. They are also part of a growing community of people figuring out how to build a health and social care system that is safe, accessible, open and participatory.

  • What if we could come up with a system that combines the access to modern science and technology of state- and private sector-provided care to the low overhead and human touch of community-provided care?
  • This is what they, and thousands of others are setting out to do.


4. What will come out of it?

  • New knowledge, prototypes and economic models.

5. How will this work, and how can you be a part of it?

Animation: current situation —Op3nCare-----> closer to ideal futures via these steps (on a staircase):

  • Outreach and exchange of experiences 
  • Collaborative sense making 
  •  Narrative building 
  • Prototyping and testing 
  • Prizes 
  • LOTE6: International Conference and exhibition
  • Depends on our findings!

Voice over (describing each step of staircase):

  • Outreach and exchange of experiences: It all starts with an invitation for you and others around the world to share personal experiences, observations and examples on the challenge topic. You will share stories of individuals and groups who are building alternative alternatives to existing health-or social care, as well as of others whose attempts were frustrated. The purpose of this is to build a shared repository of stories, each one embedding strategies for improving health- and social care. Some will resonate more than others with participants, and that will signal to the community that a grain of truth has been found. Collectively, we will build knowledge about new approaches towards health- and social care. 
  • Collaborative sense making: Once the the goals of Op3nCarers, a range of possible strategies towards them and the obstacles in the way are reasonably clear, the project enters a new phase of (wiki-style) collaborative writing of the Op3nCare fund mission and guidelines. This phase links Op3nCare stories to the social, economic, political and legal context in which they happen: were they enabled by something in particular? Were they hindered by it? What change in could have made the alternative happen, or happen more successfully? By asking and tentatively answering these kinds of question, participants in the process will build shared knowledge and goals. This strategy ensures that both are firmly grounded in real-life, first-person experiences.
  • Project Narrative and calls to action: We collaboratively synthesise the results of our sense making into a narrative structure for Op3nCare, that is going to set the scene for our interactions with one another. This includes co-designing a fair social contract and ethical guidelines for members. It also includes defining role structures (for example: participants can register as “trailblazers” sharing stories or “mentors” that help making sense of it), motivational engines (for example: badges, karma points or other forms of recognition for active users), strategic partnerships, style and aesthetics.
  • Prototyping and testing: t.b.d
  • Prizes: t.b.d
  • Exhibition and Summit: \#lote 6 takes place in September 2017, in Milan.

Voice over and text:

  •  To learn more about op3nCare and how you can be a part of it, go to or write to

Interview Questions: 

Need to be revised to give us the right material for script above!

  • What is your understanding of what OpenCare is - why should your audience care about it? 
  • What will you be exploring/doing in the project- how will you be working? 
  • What activities you will be running - who do you want to get involved and why? 

Thanks for the information everybody! It looks like almost everyone has some time available on Thursday 25th, so for me it would be best to do as much as possible then, and I think we can fit everyone into their availability slots - @Nadia / anyone else involved shaping in the content side of things, how about we meet some time tomorrow or Thursday morning to go over the plan? and then I’ll be able to make the most of our time for interviews on Thursday afternoon.

I can shoot the interview with @zoescope on Friday if Thursday doesn’t work.

(have @ mentions changed on the platform? I’m not seeing the magical orange link…?)

OK sending you a script tonight ahead of our conversation

I’ve also asked everyone to prepare their thoughts on three questions.

@mentions are temporarily not working while we upgrade the site.

Where do I find the questions?


See document above

Look at the Narrative and scrip section. You will find the questions at the bottom.


Hi everyone, I thought it might be easier for everyone to keep track of when their sessions are. As well as to have an overview of the whole event. You can download it here:

Bad luck for me

Dear all,

I have been hoping to recover from a bad flu i’ve got 2 days ago but still I have high temperature and the doctor told me to recover At home. No words to say how disappointed and appalled I am, how big my expectations and curiosity to meet you all were.

The municipality of Milan will be exellectly represented by Rossana Torri.

cheers and wish you a great meeting
