OpenVillage Festival Program and Curators Note

Dr… Hana Mohammed Khalaf Alshloul from jordan
Summary (palm)
The best human personality influential for the year 2016 - High Commission for Human Development - Saudi Arabia
Sweden - Head of Department of Arabic Language and Literature - Al-Hayat Al-Jadida University - Sweden
Member of the Arab American Board
(Chairman of the Arab Cultural Association)
International Peace Coach - Canada
Certified Trainer of the World Federation of Development Sciences - Egypt
Not an initiative initiator I want - Malaysia
Member of Amnesty International - London
Gold Member - World Federation of Human Development Technologies
Member of the Federation of Volunteerism and Community Service

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Quite impressive credentials. Welcome to - we very much look forward to your participation here!

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Hello, I am a Pediatrician working in Brussels. My interest is focused on studying how to empower social networks for revaluing community-based infancy care in multicultural contexts. If there s still place for a discussion on the theme (preferably on Thursday or Friday) I would be happy to join !


Nice to meet you @Eri! If you look in the Festival space here on edgeryders you can see the final program - that latest version, while pretty much final, includes a freestyle slot on Friday and Saturday afternoon where anyone can propose a session to lead, in a more ad hoc way. We will organise them onsite.

That said, I’m looking forward to learn about your work and what draws you to this topic - go ahead and share your story (a few paragraphs) in the same festival space (see Add Topic), then we will include you on the participants list and send you the latest updates about the event. By the way of example - my story about the failings of the Romanian medical system is here.

Best I could do is evening of day 1 (earliest I can leave Oxford is 1:30, and will take me 4hrs at best to get to Brussels) and morning of day 2 (must be back in Ox by 5pm).

No way around it, I’m afraid— my funding depends on attendance. October is a very packed month :confused:

@noemi and team, @amelia and I have decided to go for this.

We would like a Day 2 morning session. Ideally, a long one, hackathon-style Masters of Networks (all morning). If not possible, we will take what we can get, ideally the first session in the morning to allow Amelia to go back to Oxford in time. Info:

  1. It’s a workshop. Title: “understanding community care with semantic social networks”, or something like that. Run by Amelia, @jason_vallet and myself.
  2. Presentation of OpenCare’s preliminary results, using GraphRyders as a way to illustrate it. No more than 30 mins.
  3. People fire up laptops, load up GraphRyders, group around questions and look for answers for the rest of the time. Questions could be of the type “what does it mean that X is connected with Y?” (implies reading material and reflecting on it); or of the type “what can we say about the structure and clustering of codes?” (implies messing around with the graph as a whole). Jason could contribute with rapid-fire analysis on Tulip.
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Good. To minimally disrupt other sessions, I suggest you guys take the slot from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM - with a lunch break in between (12/12:30 until 2 PM…). That way we dont add a 4th parralel session in the morning at 9.

How’s that @alberto ? Ping @woodbinehealth

No can do. @amelia needs to leave for Oxford early. 12 is the latest we can do this.

So maybe @Bernard would then accept his session to be moved on Sunday morning/ or afternoon? For what it’s worth, this sequencing makes more sense anyway - first opencare results, then openvillage stuff - with Galway being so hands on :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure @noemi Sunday morning would be good.

Ok great, changes made! soz @woodbinehealth, i took the liberty to do it because I didnt get a response from you in a while and we need to move faster…

So Ethnography happens all morning.

Hi all— is this set? Can I go ahead and book the tickets? @noemi @alberto

Set. Go ahead. Also: we are making a video. You’ll be in it. Letting you know so you can curate your public image. :slight_smile:

Hey guys, I think Im doing the welcome on day 1 - just want to confirm if this is accurate?

Also, could we claim a dedicated space in the venue for “Building the OpenVillage” conversations?

Hi @nadia, so we can some space for building the openvillage conversations (in day 2 and 3): @natalia_skoczylas the table closest to the entrance at Au Quai? If not you might want to choose onsite a difft corner.

Recapping what you would be doing during the fest, if you’re still game:

  1. Welcome Day 1, 9-10:30 AM: we need to sync with @alex_levene, master of ceremony. Which means he’d start introducing the context, the program, the teams; and rules of the space for the first 30mins.

The for 1 hr I see you then doing big picture layout and why we are really here, asking people what they bring, expectations and so on.

  1. Edge of Funding panel on Day 2, 3:30 - 5 PM: we need you to moderate

  2. Day 3: I saw your preparatory document where I see you need a day?
    We can get OpenVillage a room, but here is a suggestion you start at 10 with an overview for everyone, as it is now in the schedule, then you stay in the same space to run the workshop but accommodate the community building masterclass and security training. After all, those serve many of the same people no?
    If you dont feel like have enough time we can end the day at 6 PM instead of 5. Let me know.

Good, will do. I’ll make sure that my hair game is on point :smile:

Currently planning on a train that leaves at 12:52. Will I be able to make that?

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Ok cool works for me. @natalia_skoczylas and I have done some work to help facilitators structure documentation & sessions so that they are feeding into a concrete and usefull outcome. We’ve done the sketching and Im digitising everything in the form of 1) a template of the final report we want everything to be feeding into 2) the toolkit for facilitators for structuring their sessions so that it feeds into it 3) instructions for all participants to include in the program booklet.

@amelia I wanted to ask you if/where you have posted a summary of keywords that are most frequent in our opencare conversation, as well as key emergent themes/insights? I think I remember a post somewhere but have forgotten where

Hei this sounds timely, over the past weeks during the community calls we have been discussing Harvesting -
part of which is collecting insights throghout the day and reflecting in a dedicated afternoon session facilitated by curators.

@gehan has been putting quite some work in this - this is her working document, shared in our Festival google folder.

You guys should connect to ensure that there is no duplication or mixed messages.
Otherwise, for the Session leaders a toolkit/ documentation template will be much welcome!

paging @gehan here.

Remember there is a separate thread for this. It’d be great to update your Day 3 OpenVillage workshop page with a summary once all is agreed on.

yes works. Would be best if Alex could keep the intro to 15 minutes- that leaves me 15 for big picture presentation and 1 hr for interactive group exercise (triads)