OpenVillage Houses: What, Why and How

(This is work in progress!)

About this initiative: OpenVillage Houses are platforms for supporting adults working on projects that tangibly improve living conditions in their communities by providing them with room and board. It consists of (1) permanent physical spaces as well as (2) an online platform that connects individuals to rooms, and volunteers to not-for-profit organisations who’s work they wish to support by hosting them. Some of the OpenVillage Houses are managed directly by the Edgeryders company (and these are called “Reefs”, for example “The Reef Brussels”.)

What can you do with it? Attract and retain more skilled individuals to work on your initiative by offering them access to free room and board. Access not for profit, peer-driven programs to support your own personal and professional development. Pool resources for supporting more coordinated efforts like OPENandChange to drive acknowledgement, validation and support for your project(s). Sustainably finance ecosystems of smart swarms to achieve impact at scale.

Who is it for? Hosts & activists, not-for-profit organisations & local administrations, property owners & funders (program managers).

Why? To address the market failures around support of social innovation work which requires consistent participation of skilled and committed individuals.

Process? (Yet to be written.)

More information? (Yet to be written.)

How can you get involved? We are building teams of volunteers around different goals to deliver a groundbreaking project and make it a rewarding experience for everyone involved:

  • Run weekly community calls to welcome new arrivals, get up to date and coordinate efforts
  • Contact owners of unused properties in your city and secure attractive offers for long term lease
  • Recruit participants from local caregiver/recipient organisations, local businesses, and respected members of the community to help barnraise it.
  • Secure pledges of support from funding bodies and private persons/ and foundations with endowments- we want to set up a funded fellowship program.

We have structured the process so that people can meaningfully contribute in different ways. Whether you can invest three minutes a day or would like to take on responsibilities that require more time. Each task is structured so it is clear, easy to do and appreciated.

(To be continued.)

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جميل جدا نحن نعمل جاهدا على انشاء فرع القرية المفتوحة في الاردن ونقوم بالعمل على انشاء هذا المشروع في اقرب وقت ممكن ننتظر منك التعليمات واشارة البدء لقد وجدنا المكان المناسب وننتظر الرد انسة نادية شكرا لك

Very nice We are working hard to establish an open village branch in Jordan and we are working on the establishment of this project as soon as possible waiting for you instructions and the start signal We have found the right place and wait for the reply Ms Nadia Thank you