Outside the box






metareflection, understanding, psychology



imagination and intelligence are boosted by being open to learn new knowledge, to study and to talk with people. By being a mentor for kids and teenagers I have learned to use my imagination more. Divirgent thinking, playfulness and imagination are things adults forget use sometimes. Communications is something I have learned through years of interdisciplinary academic studies in combination with talking to people everywhere, from different cultures, with different perspectives etc. Visualisation is something i practise by creating art like videos, sculptures, photos etc, and not being afraid of sketching even though I am absolutely terrible at that, also imagination plays an important role when visualising things. To exchange inspiration is also important, I do that by attending various meet-ups, reading books, looking at videos or photos, taking psychogeographic walks, keeping my mind open etc. Metareflection is also important both to understand my own way of thinking and percieving and to understand others and the way they percieve, knowledge in psychology and neuroscience, as well as archaeology, makes me understand people I meet, direct, co-create with and communicate with in everyday life. Being effective is also important, by not postponing what I can do now to another day I try keep my deadlines, because I know there will not be less things to do the day after, by prioritising and organizing i try to do as much as I can, and that is not easy, very often emotions make you prioritize things that might not be the most effective, or that makes it hard for me to pay my bills, there is a balance to this process and still cultural work and social entrepreneurship is not valued properly, we have to collaborate to change those value systems. I am very happy with what I have learned so far, and I also feel that the more I learn the less I know :wink: there is always more stuff and interesting knowledge out there and it is really exiting to be a part of that collective mindscape. (the image is a visualisation of neuron signals from one of my artscience collaborations).

I don’t see any image!

I would like to see it before I comment :slight_smile:

Edgeryders participants point to more elevated possibilities

Ha ha! Alberto! ROLF. You’re doing great these days… I’m sure if you keep at it, you will soon start to see images appear! A couple of days ago, you made a fabulous breakthrough by tapping into rather unusual topics, ‘divination and foregiveness’, ‘Storytelling, Divination, Foregiveness, My most important tools and where I picked them up’.

I am very happy to encounter on Edgeryders so many participants who are aware of higher, more elevetad possibilities for the human mind, and include this in their personal and professional journey. When I read their mission reports, my face lights up and my heart leaps of joy.

For example, Eimhin David, or Involute Conduit, has a vision of healing which is very advanced. He understands — and applies in his life — the latest discoveries of quantum physics, and he can make a connection of this knowledge with the actual model of medecine, and sees how it is obsolete, and should be replaced by another more appropriate approach based on recent discoveries about the nature of matter. See his post 'Everywhere the Same: A Transnational Experienc and Global Aspiration"

And Bridget McKenzie has a vision of being and learning which is very much in line with the development of the inner self, through creativity, away from the the incessant whirl and distractions of society, allowing herself, her husband and their daughter, to focus on who they really are and grow beautifully. See ‘My Story’, and the rest of her excellent mission reports.

And there is also Tiago, resplendent of universal love. He seeks solutions to create a world of peace, letting go of the fact the authorities are locked in their hatred and violence. He clearly sees that people’s deepest desire is peace.I’ve got a plan!

There is Ampat Koshy, who seeks to create a village to help autistic children and their parents to live harmoniously by accepting their neurological differences. Autism Village Project

There is John F Moore, who dreams about a worldwide collaboration. He would like to put an end to the rivalry between political parties, and create bridges of collaboration, so that governments are aligned and that borders disappear.

These are just a few. But they give us an overview of the wisdom of youth. Imagination and intelligence, thinking outside the box, like Jasmine reminds us, is what will allow us to achieve higher visions.

I'm glad that so many Edgeryders participants send this strong message: there are other concerns, to which we have paid little attention so far, which should be explored. Paying attention to them is a good first step.



Hello Jasmine,

You are the first to talk about ‘metareflexion’. Nowadays,

Most people are caught in a dizzying whirlwind of activity, and we do not hear many people talk about the need to take time for metareflection.

I really enjoyed your report mission. I am also interested in neuroscience and I try to build bridges with science. Looking forward to discussing with you.

I invite you to have a look at Andres Da Vila’s mission report ‘Towards a global managerial intelligence’.

Also, with French philosopher Michel Filippi, we are exploring neurodiversity and constructing a model of new human being, the Luminous Man (based on neurology and the possibilities of evolution of the brain and of the human race brought by Kundalini awakening): ‘Des Hommes et de notre Civilisation’.

thank you, I believe that our internal processes are as important as the external, by understanding ourselves and the way we think we can easier understand and respect others. This kind of made me think about a discussion I had when I recently visited USA, about cultural differences between Sweden and America and about being introvert and/or extrovert, as swedish people are sometimes considered very introvert (I believe a mix of both is good). I found this talk really giving, Susan Cain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0KYU2j0TM4

thank you for the invitations, I do not understand all of the French text though

a rubbish drawer

hey jasmine, thanks for your post. I’m a rubbish drawer, but I still like to do it. i guess it’s nothing to do with communication or external interaction - because it says very little to other people. it says a lot to me though! i enter into a conversation with the object i’m trying to draw, incorporating it into my mind. my camera broke years ago and i just got out a sketchbook (i was lucky to be travelling and have time on my hands) and drew places instead. every single drawing is still really clear in my mind… that’s never happened with photos. is that maybe like the meta-reflection you describe? for me that closer internalisation of the outside just goes to a different and higher level of conscience that is really durable and clear.

wow, do you publish your drawings somewhere? by making images with our body we have another, more tactile and more emotional process of creating that makes us remember it more than if we take a photo, for me it is the same thing with taking notes, pen and paper makes me remember better than writing on the computer. Emotions are what control many of our thinking processes, the stronger the emotion the stronger our memory, sometimes strong memories are called flash bulb memories, is there a theme in the places you usually choose?


Speaking of sketches and drawings, have you seen the fantastic sketches of Jacky Degueldre? He draws as well as he writes… ‘The Cocoworkers trendsetters - An illustrated chronicle of rising activities in The Loft Coworking Brussels’.

It took me a few seconds to realize that ‘rubbish drawer’ doesn’t mean ‘tiroir poubelle’, but ‘piètre dessinateur’.

Since the outside is an illusion, a perception we have of matter, the act of drawing these perceptions allows to focus attention on beauty and perfection, and feel that the world is in us. And not vice versa. We believe, we perceive that the world is outside us. This is what metareflection means for me. Jasmine probably sees that there is an Observer and an Observing.

Metareflection means ‘perception that we have our our own reflection’, and also, ‘the consideration of various different points of view’.

Scientists are beginning to realize that there is a neurological seat for consciousness in the human being (http://www.pnlarticles.com/une-zone-du-cerveau-pour-la-mta-rflexion). There is a seat, but it is not located in the brain.

I have been exploring this hypothesis, in my ungoing discussion with philosopher Michel Filippi (about a Luminous Man).

Ce texte de Jean Staune explique en quoi consiste le Réel, d’un point de vue scientifique. http://t.co/qtsV4NxM

'Nous vivons un événement exceptionnel :l’émergence d’une nouvelle vision du monde, d’une nouvelle grille de lecture de la réalité.

La science la plus en pointe dans l’étude du Réel nous montre que cela est une illusion. Le Réel véritable est “voilé”, car il n’est pas situé uniquement dans l’espace, le temps, l’énergie, la matière.'

“Jusqu’à la découverte de la non-séparabilité, il était encore permis d’espérer que tous les aspects paradoxaux de la mécanique quantique s’évanouiraient lorsque cette mécanique ou son interprétation auraient été remplacées par d’autres, plus complètes ou plus subtiles. Je sais maintenant qu’il n’en ira certainement pas ainsi puisque la non-séparabilité jouit de preuves expérimentales indépendantes des principes de cette théorie. Je sais donc avec certitude que certaines anciennes bases philosophiques (réalité intrinsèque de l’espace-temps physique, causalité, localité) de la représentation scientifique de l’univers sont à changer,” conclut-il.

Many Edgeryders participants have this new vision of the world…

If our scientific representation of the universe is to be changed, this will affect everything we do. I believe that this is what Jasmine is trying to explain here. Imagination, intelligence, and thinking outside the box…