metareflection, understanding, psychology
imagination and intelligence are boosted by being open to learn new knowledge, to study and to talk with people. By being a mentor for kids and teenagers I have learned to use my imagination more. Divirgent thinking, playfulness and imagination are things adults forget use sometimes. Communications is something I have learned through years of interdisciplinary academic studies in combination with talking to people everywhere, from different cultures, with different perspectives etc. Visualisation is something i practise by creating art like videos, sculptures, photos etc, and not being afraid of sketching even though I am absolutely terrible at that, also imagination plays an important role when visualising things. To exchange inspiration is also important, I do that by attending various meet-ups, reading books, looking at videos or photos, taking psychogeographic walks, keeping my mind open etc. Metareflection is also important both to understand my own way of thinking and percieving and to understand others and the way they percieve, knowledge in psychology and neuroscience, as well as archaeology, makes me understand people I meet, direct, co-create with and communicate with in everyday life. Being effective is also important, by not postponing what I can do now to another day I try keep my deadlines, because I know there will not be less things to do the day after, by prioritising and organizing i try to do as much as I can, and that is not easy, very often emotions make you prioritize things that might not be the most effective, or that makes it hard for me to pay my bills, there is a balance to this process and still cultural work and social entrepreneurship is not valued properly, we have to collaborate to change those value systems. I am very happy with what I have learned so far, and I also feel that the more I learn the less I know there is always more stuff and interesting knowledge out there and it is really exiting to be a part of that collective mindscape. (the image is a visualisation of neuron signals from one of my artscience collaborations).