Own Your Cloud - webinar/nextcould setup workshop 8th of May

I’d like to join :slight_smile:


@johanna: You are added to the participant list :slight_smile:


@erik_lonroth I’m a beginner here… :slight_smile: do you need a server for the nextcloud setup tutorial? If you just wanna try it out, can you just use your computer?


Yes, you can use your own computer. I use a Ubuntu Linux client which is a fast track. If you look at the video prior to the event it’s even better so that I can walk you through it if you get stuck.

If you don’t have a Linux client, there is a juju client for Mac and windows although I don’t recommend using software that divide and exploit our communities and our members.

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Alright, thanks. Would you mind having a call before the webinar? If yes, when would it suit you?

I can post my notes as a summary if that’s helpful? I watched your video btw.


For the record: @MariaEuler, I’m also in for the webinar.

Looks like we have a good crowd already – this will be fun :slight_smile:


i’d like to come too!


On the test run session which @MariaEuler could set you up with


For participants in the Own Your Cloud (Nextcloud) workshop on the 8:th may 2020 that want to do the little more tech oriented parts, preparations are needed. Its NOT necessary to do any of it, while still participating. You can watch the video and still benefit from the workshop. Don’t worry, it will be easy and fun.

If you run into problems preparing, just post here and help will come.

Technical preparations:

*The educated reader might wonder why I make use of public clouds, such as AWS, which clearly do not allow us to respect the privacy of our communities. It must be emphasized that this is only for educational purpose. You will learn a technology stack which enables you to use the same tools to run this in your own private servers using ZERO (or as little you like) public resources, which will enable you and your community to respect the integrity of its members.

There will be a test run session which @MariaEuler can hook you up with that also will allow for some discussions around the session.

@Alessandro @felix.wolfsteller @matthias


@erik_lonroth what would be the bare minimum in preparation to be able to participate in the webinar?

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Ping @stefanoboski this webinar will take place on the 8th of May.

Very interesting combining 30 min discussion on ethical and legal implications of cloud subscription services with 90 min hands-on workshop to set up your own cloud which belongs to you.

Interesting for many in a professional context, especially of they work with material they want to keep holding all copyright to or if they need a cloud for their company or even want to make a company out of that.

Also interesting to get a start in the discussion and understanding of FOSS and open source technologies.
Pleas share it a bit around :slight_smile:

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It would be more than enough, yes.

I was REALLY wondering about the aws account XD but I get it for educational purposes <3

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Love your observation. You could offcourse setup your own maas-, lxd- or openstack which would then be usable just as well to deploy the Nextcloud. But, indeed for this workshop, I will be focusing on Nextcloud which is a higher order service which is also a good way to introduce Juju which is a great tool to create large and manageable software stacks. Deploying both a private infrastructure IaaS and a Nextcloud would simply take too long time. Hence, a AWS cloud is good enough for this time.

I’m glad you commented on it.

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Thanks for clarifying! It makes sense to focus on what’s important for the session.

I would also like to join, thanks @erik_lonroth for making this!

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I am also interested. Please RSVP me.

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We will have a preparation call tomorrow evening (18:00 CEST) to test the call tool and speak through the plan for the process.

Those who are interested can join, but this is an informal meeting. Follow this link to sign up and find the link the call room for the prep call tomorrow the 6th of May.

This is not required nor planned for participants of the webinar on the 8th, but a technical prep meeting that happens to be open to those interested :slight_smile:

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@erik_lonroth @MariaEuler I posted an invite (also freely translated to Swedish) on the DFRI blog here: Webbinarium: Own Your Cloud – :DFRI


Great to have you here @bdubs! we added you to the rsvp list