Panel #4: How to build an anti-authoritarian culture?



In this session we explore how artists in different artisitc disciplines are responding to the rise of authoritarian movements through hackticism, culturehacking, theatre and other art forms. The purpose of the session is to discover what creative approaches current and past art practitioners use. As well as to reflect on what approaches we can take with us into our own everyday lives and work.

Invited guests

Paolo Cirio: Conceptual artist, hacktivist and cultural critic, Paolo Cirio engages with the legal, economic, and cultural systems of the information society. He investigates social fields impacted by the Internet, such as privacy, democracy, semiology, finance through photos, installations, videos, and public art.

Dr Maria Asavei, Charles University, Prague - Strategies of Resistance through Art to Right-Wing Populism in East-Central Europe: Archives and Fake Political Parties

Dr Maria Asavei, Dr Jiří Kocián, Charles University, Prague - Theatre as resistance to right-wing populism in Estonia, the Czech Republic and Hungary

About the Organisers

The event is organised in partnership with University College London, UK, Tartu University, Estonia, Jagiellonian University, Poland, Charles University, Czech Republic, and Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary). The event is the final conference of PopRebel, a European research project on neo-feudalism and neo-traditionalism. It is coordinated by Edgeryders OÜ - A non profit think-tank based in Estonia. We help groups and organizations to harness the power of collective intelligence for wiser, more effective ways to work together and make decisions.


The event is free to attend provide you RSVP. To do that, please use the form below. You can find more info about the different panels on the main conference page.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 822682.

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