Panel #6 : Freedom writ large - A European guide to futures we want


Prof. Vello Pettai, University of Tartu

Through the presentation of the foresight research and a simulation exercise for participants, the panel reflects on how populism in Europe might evolve over the next 5-10 years.

In order to accommodate the limited timeframe, the session will present only one scenario; however, participants will be asked to imagine the impact within different contexts of populism.

The scenario itself – set in 2027 – will essentially depict a stalemate in both Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as well as Western relations with Russia overall.
The operative dimension of the session will be for participants to imagine how different landscapes of populism will change in this situation.
Break-out groups will be used to analyze the different settings and devise strategies for coping with the change.

About the Organisers

The event is organised in partnership with University College London, UK, Tartu University, Estonia, Jagiellonian University, Poland, Charles University, Czech Republic, and Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary). The event is the final conference of PopRebel, a European research project on neo-feudalism and neo-traditionalism. It is coordinated by Edgeryders OÜ - A non profit think-tank based in Estonia. We help groups and organizations to harness the power of collective intelligence for wiser, more effective ways to work together and make decisions.


The event is free to attend provide you RSVP. To do that, please use the form below. You can find more info about the different panels on the main conference page.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 822682.