Way to go!
I just run into another opportunity for submitting coding solution for community cooperation, remote education and similar connected to Covid emergence.
The prize is funded by the IBM (and the call asks for using IBM Cloud services), so, not really sure this can be Edgeryders’ cup of tea - or ethically appropriate… However, here is the call: IBM 2020 Coding Challenge: COVID-19 Call for Code | HeroX
thanks for sharing! I signed us up to the Paneuropean Hack. Here is the link in case you or anyone else would like to join This typeform has moved
it seems the link that you shared doesn’t lead to the call/information you wanted to point us toward?
Hello Nadia, its the good one,
it funds any type of initiative aiming at more solidarity to create a pan european public space. And digital issues are considered.
But yes maybe i didn’t understand where the discussion is aiming to precisely.
Ok Cool. But I think I am missing something because when I follow the link this is what I see?
Then it is
https://www.culturalfoundation.eu/culture-of-solidarity this funds culture of solidarity fund launched by the european culture of solidarity funds.
perfecto !
Registered as skill mentor (outside of edgeryders team). See you there. I have quite some criticism regarding their privacy statement and stuff, but I guess they had to hurry up and well … blur some stuff. Lots of blabla, but they use US-American services and outside-EU servers exclusively I believe. sigh
I registered myself too, because I was curious to see how it would have worked, but when I found out this would have taken almost three full days, I needed to step back (despite I can’t find out yet how to de-register…). This is not fitting in my work-life balance, that in the lock-down time became very confused with everything (teaching, work meeting, researching, child care, house work, sporting…) happening inside the home with no possibilities of help or sharing…it’s a pity! Good luck guys! I can’t wait to read your feedbacks!
Thats not exactly true, as a skill-mentor or mentor there is two “have-to-be-there” slots from 11-17pm or something like that (depends on the role), but yep: sounds busy.
Same here. Otoh I think it is awesomely stupid from me to register, because i have more “work” (if that is allowed to include activities not generating income) than ever and are pretty drained already. On the other hand it looks exciting and I can book this as “different and interesting” activity for me.
Also to me it looks as if the movement might need some “corrective” or at least insights and a multitude of perspectives, some of which I fear to be underrepresented (btw my wife tells me I am too pessimistic, generally).
Performing a hackathon that pulls people who want to make startups to become the next Jeff Bezos and attracts investors looking for their next startup to buy (or destroy) and using old-business-world technologies exclusively might not exactly be what I find to be a reasonal governmental response. While this is certainly not true for the given event, here and there I see tendencies in that direction. For that reason it is even more important that ecovillagers like you and me participate
And many do, I hope.
Urgh it’s super chaotic - finding the experience a bit stressful tbh…
Agree with you, Felix. In the last three days have been snowed under communication of people working for this or that company and looking for new business opportunities. I didn’t mentioned this in my previous message, but actually this was a bit disconforting for me…I expected some more…how can I say…“idealism”?
Perhaps you’re right, it’s important to participate exactly to counter-balance this trend…
I dont get it - any edgeryder there? If so ping me, I am in that slack thing with same clear username.
Hi, I am going to be in there today.