Paul Free

I’m Paul and I’m highly interested in forming a society leading towards collaboration instead of senseless competition.

At the moment I’m on several projects, all connected to the idea of gifteconomy and collaboration.

My main focus at this very moment is on

Yunity for the first release will be an opensorce online plattform all mainly all about uncodicional sharing. Beside the online work yunity is aswell an offline comunity which cames out of the movement of foodsharing, which has sofar 100.000 members. Creating yunity is then aswell about turing foodsharing international.

I’m highly interested in creating social architecture which is creates a culture to allow effectively colaboration in agile selforganized networks. To open up the silos a lot of organisation are caged, with the intention of lifting each others ideas up. In here I’m interested in online same as offline networks.

One of my intention is to connect with all the different projects working on same ideas. One outcome of my dream would be an opensource tool which provides agile network with any kind of tool is needen/helpfull to manage projects without the need of fixed structure but selforganized.

If anything of this sounds interesting to you and you’ll love to colaborate together with other projects leave me a message.

For the upcomming month there is planed an event which is called yucon.

The yucon is a  event, theme: “your dreams into reality.” It’s self-organized event to experience freedom while creating a playground to support collaboration. It will be organized and hosted after the philosophy of uncondional sharing OpenSpace and WouldCafe like settings will invite to rethink old habbits, aswell in finding aproches while beeing in a colaborative process and experience a enthusiasm way of learning.

Also to break down “Silos” organisations, activists and interested people are quiet often “caged”. Which is then about supporting the idea of “cocreating free of limit”, which goes hand in hand with the colaborative comunication tool “DragonEye”

But aswell also to experience communitcation/expression in all kind of ways. Music, art, dancing, theater, meditation and so on. (webpage still quiet much under construction)

If that event sounds somehow interesting to you, registration is open:

Beside that I’m traveling with seeds and hack around to have a little revolution of freeGardens, which is a idea to once questionize the concepts of ownership, while still showing respect towards those who belive in, but also to creare free food for free people.

Or to say it other, I’ll just go somewhere, create a garden and leave ^^.

I’m living since 2014 free of money after I came to the simple conlusion that money is not helping to evolve our society. So I just stoped using it. More about the reasons why I’m living free of money you can find in here: (sofar not so much infos, but from time to time I will ad some new)

One other project I’ve working with is called Sharevan. Which will be a moving platforms  to connect different networks towards each other, but also to host workshops, create events, direct action, musik, building and so on. We’re looking for vans and active people. :slight_smile:

Aswell I’m looking for a team of 9-30 activists interested in traveling togheter with the aim, while using oasis game simliar tactics, to create a social architecture based on collaboration. Aswell I’m looking for a film team who’s interested in turning these actions into a movie.

Never belive in that a small group of people is unable to change the world. Just for the reason the world never changed else.

To see where collaborative potential is to find I would love to here in which projects you’re currently involved.

Thanks for your engagment and time :-).

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Hi @Paul_Free, nice to meet you! Just to say that I fully reasonate with the senseless competition idea.

@Beata_Guzik dropped by a while ago, and we got interested in Yunity. Does Yucon have a date yet (I may be missing it on the website)?  Also exploring new ways of self-organising and collaboration is the Festival of Human Organising which @Patrick_Andrews is running this June in London. Are you joining? It might help bounce off ideas with a lot of like minded people…

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Hey @Noemi. Thanks for the welcome. :slight_smile:

Happy to hear that you’re interested in yunity. If there’s anything you like to know I would be glad to answer. I guess there are a lot of points of same interest between edgeryders and yunity.

The yucon itself still not having a fixed date. It should take place in some of the next wuppdays. Wuppdays are days and places where we meet to have something between a sprint, networking and getting to know each other. Probably somewhen in July.

The festival of human organising sound quiet interesting. While I’m not using any airplanes for traveling it might take to much effort for me to join in london this time.  But would like to get in conntact with those who are involved. I would love turn those events into a culture where it will be normal to be selforganized and having events like this permanently.

In what are you currently working/spending time on?

How food can facilitate p2p care?

Thanks for the quick answer Paul! Actually I’m curious where we could find stories of community projects coming in or out of Yunity - especially around food and welcoming people who are different, or newcomers in communities to be part of local projects (I know some of the group members are part of There is a wave of Berlin students in UDK lately here on Edgeryders and they are trying to design services of community care. Food is perceived as a natural bonding element which can build trust, as you can see here. Any advice or points to some of the projects you know of could be interesting!

There are a view things in quiet early stage and not well documented yet. In our wiki there’s a bit to read, but not much about user storys. Confluence

Some  storys are to find in blogs, news…but not shure where I find a list where those are linked.

If there’s a interest as soon as I find some time I could right one. :slight_smile:

I would be aswell quiet interested in the design of community care system. On point for the beginning:

to sart with foodsharing to get the service and a network poping up is quiet easy. While everyone needs to eat it’s quiet easy to bring people together. Starting with waste preventing there are directly freely so many resource available that it kind of can be started over night. …but getting food through preventing waste is just one part. Creating eatable citys the next step. :slight_smile:

Will write a bit more in the comming days.

lg Paul

The thing about design…

Oh, OK. No worries, was just curious… actually whenever I hear about potentially good models I’m curious how they work in practice, because the vision of Yunity in itself is so ambitious and obviously would get a lot of people on board, so nothing to add there.

In terms of how we would be looking at design in care and food and bringing people together, a pretty famous social innovation designer held a workshop in Brussels in February and explained it very clear, quoting:

What makes a service “good”? In the area of design for social innovation we consider services “good” if:

  1. They run on the active participation of beneficiaries. 
  1. They make use of the situated knowledge of everybody involved.
  1. They create value for the society at large.

We look at two main value creation strategies:

  1. Improving the case. 
  1. Enriching the case ecosystem – imagine things around the project that give it positive externalities.

So in the end it’s about how a small successful initiatives that comes across deep insights can be made to fit in the bigger picture - of local ecosystem, policy and so on. Anyway, rambling, but will for sure keep an eye on what you guys are doing, and mostly, where the knowledge from the network goes, which is why we’re here basically :slight_smile:

Nice to hear from you

Dear Paul, thanks for sharing this. All sounds really interesting. Some of your thinking certainly overlaps with mine. See for example Where are you based? We might meet up sometime. Anyway, would certainly be worth a chat sometime. Patrick

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Hey @Patrick Andrews. Yeah human organisation sounds quiet awesom to me. Comming to London this time will may take to much effort for me, while I’m not useing airplanes for traveling. But I’ve got some friends in scotland, may someone from there likes to jump over.

I’m based in Europe, somewhere from Portugal to Germany. Not having any fixed residence :-).

…and yes would love to chat with you from time to time. Or even having a voice call?

Where are you located? You’re in contact with people creating simliar events to human organisation? For 2019 there’s the idea of creating a really hudge one in Berlin.

lg Paul

How about a voice call?

Hi @Paul Free, yes, a voice call sounds good. Maybe next week sometime? Patrick