Payments to Ten Wyngaert

I paid the bill from Ten Wyngaert relative to our plenary of Sunday 23rd, but they sent the money back claiming a double payment.

I have only paid that bill once, on November 6th. Did anybody pay it, maybe on the spot in cash? Ping @Dave_behave

@alberto you were on a break and I am your back-up, so I made the payment via the bank account. Is there anything else I should have done?

I paid it directly at the time.
I assumed this was the best way.

But then we need to pay you back! I need your IBAN for that, I asked you for it in December because we also owe you some food money. Look on the Signal chat.

And: no, the best way is if The Reef pays directly its own bills. This is the simplest, and the most transparent.

@Dave_behave @reef-logistics hello, this just to let you know that we can also consider the Salles de reunions of Ixelles in the future, as Maria and I are residents of Ixelles, we could most likely get the reduced hourly rates which is 12€/h in Place Flagey. Not sure how this compares to Ten Wyngart, I leave to your good judgment and don’t hesitate to let me know if a booking is desired.

Thanks a lot Richard! I saved the information in the document with our list of possible venues (internal link)