People Are Messy : A new play about patient and public involvement in research | Feb 10, Headington, England

" Why should the public have a say in what research gets funded and how? Surely doctors and researchers know best? Would you want to influence research tackling your own illness? And what impact does involving “lay” people have on questions being asked and money being spent?

People Are Messy, by award-winning playwright Judith Johnson, is supported by us and a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award. Devised and produced by Theatre of Debate, its primary aim is to engage young people aged 14+ in an informed debate about the practical, ethical and social issues around decision-making and health research."

I’m going and have already gotten my ticket. If you’d like to join me you can register here.

Date: 2016-02-10 13:15:00 - 2016-02-10 13:15:00, Europe/London Time.


I can’t say for sure, but…

Perhaps there are two people interested in here:

Mr. Spiegelhalter and Mr. Leval perhaps? If you’d like it can nudge the info on towards them. Mr. Leval is Belgian so perhaps I could also mention LOTE or some other opportunity for you to meet. His academic publications seem to have wound down so there is hope he has some time…

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How’s trix?

Thanks for the heads up, not sure how I would reach them though?

Google Scholar

Hey @Nadia

You can usually reach us egg-heads easily through email if they are “corresponding author” for a publication they made (e.g. address for correspondence : David J. Spiegelhalter, Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit, Institute of Public Health, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 2SR, UK. E-mail: david.spiegelhalter at, he is also on Research Gate. Citations oof would perhaps be worth a look for @Alberto

Marc seems to be not quite eggish enough, but Private Paediatric Care | World-Class Complex Medical Care | HCA UK can hopefully relay the message (he is 74 so I don’t think he’ll be there every day).

If any of them agree to come I would love to hear if they have anything to say about the triangle of open care, the performance, and their respective research/experience, perhaps someone also has specific questions for them? @markomanka

(Semi)-retired professionals are very often a great enrichment to a discussion…

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