Plenary 2 May 2023

Hello @reeflings,

Just a quick post to let you know that the agenda for the plenary next Tuesday is still a bit in the air.

Candidate topics:

  • Conditions for purchasing a site

  • Scouting exercise

  • Getting re-organised

  • Asbl insurance

  • Evaluation of the October recruitment round

  • … (anything you’d like to discuss)

I am going to disconnect (internet & phone) most of the time on Saturday and Sunday, so I’ll try to piece everything together on Monday.


2 posts were split to a new topic: A possible plot in Laken?

Does anyone know the location of this plenary, @reeflings?

Could keep the agenda on the light side for this plenary, as it would be good to have enough time to socialise afterwards with the exploratory members who might be attending. For the same reason, maybe we should evaluate the October recruitment round at the next one :slight_smile:

Hello @reeflings,

Let’s indeed do this: we a do a “light” plenary followed by a potluck. The main topic on the agenda (internal link) is the scouting strategy.

Can those who are in touch with a newling invite them and send them the information they need (address, copy of the scouting strategy document)?

See you tomorrow!


And it’s at our place (Chris and Sarah’s) in Anderlecht. New Reeflings may also need an explanatory note about about “potluck”, which seems to regularly confuse the hell out of people in this part of the world :slight_smile: