This Monday, we’ll be having our plenary meeting at 7:30 pm (location yet to be decided).
The draft agenda can be found in the usual place on Nextcloud: Team Reef > Plenary meetings > Agendas and minutes. This is the internal link: Login – Nextcloud @ugne – is there a link to your budget presentation to be added? @RichardB – could you add the link to your 2-4% mark-up proposal @alberto – we have 40 minutes to devote to the ongoing common spaces discussion. We can use this to prepare for the workshop next weekend. Or we can use it for you to preview the proposal that you want to put forward at the next plenary on 23 July, and get some feedback before forming it. Or a combination of the two… thoughts?
For those who are new, here’s a couple of things:
We like to make it a point to start our meetings exactly on time, because we believe that’s the only way to not let the starting time, and therefore the ending time, become later and later. We also like to start our meetings as calmly as possible, so it is incredibly appreciated if you arrive 10 minutes early so that you have the time to settle in.
If you would like to attend as an observer, please let us know below this post. Normally, this could be done directly by adding your name to the agenda document, but Nextcloud is having some editing issues at the moment. If you decide to come but can’t make it at the last minute, you can also post here, or use the Signal emergency chat, if you’ve gotten as far as asking for that.
We also have a short ‘Plenary meetings manual’ in the Onboarding Package, in which we explain a couple of things about our plenary meetings. This is the internal link: Login – Nextcloud
@Dave_Starhawk – how are we doing with regards to a location? It worked super well at @joannes’ place last time, so if nothing has manifested yet, perhaps you can reach out to him…
This is great… meanwhile I finished Brand’s book, but not sure how I could introduce the topic without throwing four hours at it to prepare a presentation today (which I am unwilling to do). Perhaps I could distill 4-6 principles to look out for when designing the building in general, but especially the public spaces, and ask @joannes to share his experience with his own building.
Alberto: principles from How buildings learn that we should consider passing over to the architects: loose fit, “cooked” vs. “raw”, “functions” vs. “spaces”, well-understood materials, invest on the structure rather than on the surface, optimize for future maintenance and remodeling, document everything…
Joannes: lessons learned from the Namahn building.
@ChrisM , how much time can we take from those 40 minutes?
For the record, I’m responding to this from a few different roles: facilitation/coordination/common spaces helping circle
That sounds good. I would say that the most important thing is to have plenty of time for a reaction round at the end, as this will be gold in terms of forming a subsequent proposal.
Thanks Joannes ! @Dave_Starhawk - that’s sorted the question of location
I think because the full price includes finishing, while we are applying the mark-up on the casco price (I do not know however why the difference is 630 and not 650/750, maybe a typing error).
If there is time I could also bring a 5 minute presentation on the budget and the safety margin, with the aim of getting to a shared understanding. We can also do it another time, or in a post, but I think this is very important to inform the discussion about the common spaces.