Plenary meeting 03/04: meeting with the notary

Hello @reeflings,

Just a quick message to let you know that the plenary meeting tomorrow will be a meeting with the notary.

Any questions you may have can be added to this document, but you can of course also make them up tomorrow.

I propose that we start at 20:15, so that the notary can join us at 20:30. Coming in time, and letting us know if you can’t make it is appreciated as usual.

The mighty @Dave_behave will let us know where we will be meeting.

Anyone up for meeting at 19:30 for a quick drink or a snack?


I’m up for a 7.30 meet beforehand :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately neither Jeremy or I can make it. He is travelling for work and I will stay with Zohra. Hope you have an interesting chat with the notary!


I booked the same room as the one we had for the weekend for 2000.
Ten Weyngaert
Bondgenotenstraat 54 Rue des Alliés

I will be at the Cafe Perruche as from 1830.

Perruche - Bistrot du coin
Rue des Alliés 113, 1190 Forest
(It has good reviews)


Thanks Dave!

I’ll also aim for 19h30 :slight_smile: @ChrisM maybe we can complete our fiche for yesterday? Shall I bring my laptop?

Yes and yes :slight_smile:

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That was an intense but very interesting meeting.
I got home, ate a lot of carbohydrates and fell asleep on the sofa.

Thanks for organising.


My notes from this meeting are on Nextcloud.

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