Plenary meeting 07/06/2023

Hello @reeflings,

Apologies for the late notification for tomorrow’s plenary meeting. Due to circumstances it has been difficult to come up with something sooner.

Due to the absence of topics to discuss, the small number of people who can make it and the urgent need to have a Coordination Group meeting, I propose that we replace the plenary meeting with a quick Coordination Group meeting.

  • If you are a member of the Coordination Group: please have a look at the agenda (internal link) and quickly prepare the points for discussion. The main purpose of the meeting is to plan our work until September.

  • If you are an Associate Member and not a member of the Coordination Group: feel free to sit one out, but feel equally free to join us (or else around 21:00 for a drink). Grateful if you could let us know though whether we should expect you or not.

  • If you are an Exploring Member: feel free to join us as an observer.

Practical details
  • We are meeting at my place. Details in the agenda (or contact your buddy).

  • We like to start in time, so please arrive 10-15 minutes in advance.

  • You are very welcome to hang out before (starting from 18:30) or afterwards.


I see that the agenda includes the discussion on the buddy system. I would personally be interested in everyone’s feedback, including – and especially – the new associate and even exploring members who have had a one-on-one. After all, the buddy system is critical to onboarding, and not to much else.

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Tagging @mieke for this post, as I’ve only just added her to the Reeflings group :slight_smile:


Hey, I finish the climbing lesson on 21.00 but never quit before 21.30 and I feel the need to have some “slower going” moments at home. I will try to see Alberto next week and give my impressions of the buddy role then.

For the coordination as I said in an other topic: We need to see the Architects (after 13/6) to better orient and guide the coordination. I then think I should be able to finish the how-to and so on to the end of june. From then on it’s on the scouters to do the job :slight_smile:

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I agree that it doesn’t make sense if so many people can’t make it, but I was too lazy to already create the agenda for the next meeting. That’s why I put it in italic.

Hey there, unfortunately, I am ill and won’t make it tonight - @Sarah could you take over for Team Building? Thanks a lot!

Hello all,

I am unfortunately not available to observe/have a drink this evening. With regard to buddy ssytem: I think it is an excellent idea and provides for an informal way to learn more & ask questions. Also you get to know one person already a bit better.


Also, as feedback to Sophie’s question re meeting space in the Elzenhof: this is possible. Price depends on number of people, 15-20 pax 15 euro for an evening, till max 23h. Happy to make reservation when/if needed. Plan minimum one week in advance. I mentioned this already to some, but sharing again so all are aware. Not sure yet how information finds its electronic ways through the Reef. So bear with me😀

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I’m not going to make the meeting this evening. I’m not feeling super great.
Have a good one you beautiful people.