Plenary meeting 13/07/2023

Hello @reeflings,

At the next plenary meeting we have planned an important decision for the Full Members (maximum risk when purchasing a site), so I’d like to check beforehand whether a reasonable number of us can actually make it. Can you please fill in the poll below ASAP?

Draft agenda:

  • Scouting exercise: evaluation, progress report and choosing a first site to pilot a feasilbility study
  • Teams set-up and tasks until September
  • Maximum risk when purchasing a site
  • [Performance review about my role as the Coordinator - if we have the time and the meeting is in person]
  • Yes I can be there in person
  • I can’t be there in person, but I can make it if it’s online
  • I can’t be there in any case

0 voters

On the proposal to change the frequency of the plenaries (, the next date is 13 July. Team Building currently has a meeting scheduled for the 11th…


Uf! My wrong! Apologies.

@reeflings, can we please do another poll for the 13th?

Plenary meeting on Thursday 13/07
  • Yes I can make it for an in person meeting
  • No, I can only make it for an online meeting
  • I can’t make it in any case

0 voters

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I just realized the vote was probably only important for the full members. Sorry for the confusion

Maria will come to the plenary instead of me, as I, unfortunately, cannot make it in the end.

@RyanB @Lea @Adriana @Victor @Janet @Marc_O (and Ana) @Julien, @mieke @anon78992831 I realise that the topic of which Teams to join has been a bit messy so far, so I propose that we just do it by the book.

That means 1) we create transparency about who wants to join which Team and why, 2) we consent to a proposal at the plenary.

Even if you have already made your choice, could you please fill in the following document?

The Teams that are currently looking for more people the most urgently are these:

  • Logistics: tasks = find a venue for the plenaries (we have a list) + help with the logistics of the presentations)
  • Finance
  • Building
  • Facilitation

If you don’t want to join a team because you have more than average care duties (or for another reason) that is of course fine. In that case, please fill in your preference for Team Time-out (though no need to justify it).

Would it please be possible to take care of this by Wednesday 12 July in the evening at the latest?

Many thanks!

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Is it yet decided where the plenary will be hold ?

Unless there is another proposal it will be at my place.


Done :slight_smile:

Hi everyone!

Here’s a link to the agenda for this evening:

One of the items is for a short buddy system evaluation. I have shared the link on the agenda for the recent ‘Buddy system manual’, which is still a work in progress. The idea for this evening is to get some feedback about the buddy system to complete this task…



Hello @reeflings,

Just a quick message to let you know that there have been a couple of updates to the draft agenda, mostly documents that need reading before you come:

  • New Teams set-up
  • Buddy system
  • Financing the option

I highlighted the links in the agenda document, which is linked in the post above.

If you are new and you still have time, you may also want to read the little manual that we now have about plenary meetings (as part of the Onboarding Package):

See you in a bit!

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