Plenary meeting 15 January 2025

Hello @reeflings,

We have a plenary meeting tomorrow, and the agenda is very full.

If you are short in time to read up, I would personally prioritise the proposals on the pricing of the options, the one on the pre-final plans and the one on the budget for Q1-2. It’s not that the others are less important, but they are easier to explain in 2-3 minutes before starting the discussion.

We still need a venue, preferably one where we can use a beamer. Would somebody be willing to make a proposal?

As a side point I would like to point everybody’s attention that there are quite a lot of threads that require your feedback, like e.g. the not-Christmas party of this weekend and the buddy pool. To make sure that you are capturing all your messages click on your avatar, click on the downward-pointing arrow, and in the next menu choose “@ Mentions”.

Using the bookmark function at the bottom of each post can also be of help to stay on top of things.

Below a poll to flag whether you can make it or not.

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My office is available and has beamers.

Hi Alberto, where is your office?
Kind regards, Joke en Axel

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I’ve sent it to you in a private message :slight_smile:

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Hello Chris , I take you were facilitating on Tuesday, would you know if someone took the minutes as I can’t find much in the agenda and minutes file.

@Sarah was the notetaker. Can you please have a look?

Hey, what info is missing?

I wouldn’t know having missed the session :sweat_smile: I take them as complete and will study thoroughly!


Sorry, I usually take more detailled minutes but it didn’t seem necessary this time…

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