Plenary meeting 16 December 2024

I give consensus for the weighing method


@reef-full , @Lee

I have read the minutes of the PM and see no ‘next steps’.

Once we have consensus on the weighing of the price (which i assume we will have), does TB launch another survey of ‘choice of units’, or do we want to wait till we have consented to a proposal of the price of the options?

For me, there is still the possibility to move to another slightly different version of the plans, but that depends on the choices of the full members/what they can/cannot afford. This might lead to a more suitable unit for Marcel (which has now an expensive studio, being situated at +3 of obelix).

I personally would go for launching it now…


About that, @reef-building: in Le Programme I requested a studio and 1-bedroom next to each other. François told me that it looks like I3 (marked as 1 bedroom in the plan) is actually too small for 1 bedroom, and would be a big studio. That leaves only I1 and I2 (also not great: the 1 bedroom is a lot bigger than what I put in Le Programme).

So I need to separate my units. Can I claim A3 and leave I2 to Oak Tree? This way, I would also choose O1 and have my units not side by side, but at least facing each other. For Oak Tree, the surface is the same (but: private garden). For me, I would renounce the entrée couverte in A3 and increase its surface (should be 8-10 m2), so there would be a small benefit for the budget.

  • when asking to convert the 110 m2 2 bedroom into a studio and 1 bedroom , they said it was possible to have a 1 bedroom of 66 m2 and a studio (with actual size). They would make the platfrom of the left part of Level 1 of idefix bigger without making the reefzone bigger. I don’t get they didn’t mention that (will check with them tomorrow)

The way I understood it, the price increase because of the entrée couverte (to reduce the m2 for oaktree) would be for them to pay (by raising the weighing factor e.g.). We allways said that reeflings have priority over oaktree, so I would say you could claim it (but this might mean oaktree will be out).

  • going back to the plans of the maxi version (for level 0 idefix), isn’t a solution neither for you? The total surface is a bit smaller in here i see (so little price increaseà?
    Screenshot 2024-12-17 185502

Thanks for this. I will think and revert.

I agree to the weighing method and want to thank the team for their work on this.


Talked to the architects about the possibilities of having a studio and 1 bedroom next to each other:

  • they will have a look at turning the 60m2 studio (level 1 idefix) in a bigger one bedroom

  • what i mentioned about reverting to what was mentionned on the plans of the maxi version for the ground floor of idefix: they don’t think it’s a good idea (structuraly)

Remark: this week is their last week of the year, after that they will be taken 2 weeks holiday. They were not sure they would be able to give feedback before their holiday

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I agree to the weighing method and also want to thank the team for all their work on this.



Yes, it would be great if we could move forward with this ASAP, so that we get a view on which units are still free.

@els This is very urgent in my view, so I would make abstraction of the price of the options - use the prices proposed by the architects as proxies for now - and see where we get with a second survey. Would that work?

I talked to my father and he is ok with the situation as it is now. We also prefer to be next to each other. Other than that I asked to François to reduce the surface of the unit to the right (as we had requested at the time of proposition 1), and I also understand that @Hannah told the architects they would be happy to take over the extra square meters.

  • @Sarah said she would take this up and would launch it next week (week of 30/12)

  • when you say ‘use the prices proposed by the architects as proxies’: which ones do you mean: the recent ones (mentioned in this post), or the ones that were there from day one?

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Concerning the switching of units with oaktree: looking at the different studio’s, i come to the following (including obligatory terraces, gardens and a finishing of 750 euro/m2)

  • A4 (ground level asterix): 202000 (45 m2)
  • I2 (ground level idefix): 192.000 (41 m2), (price of garden set at advice price of architects: 350 euro/m2)
  • I4 (1st level idefix): 207000 (43 m2) (price of terrace set at latest advice price of architects: 2090 euro/m2)

=> so price wise , for oaktree it would be better to have I2 instead of A4, but it has a garden. And if they really don’t want a garden, there is still the studio I4 (which is smaller than A4). Also to see with Dave i guess, and the unit price we set for oaktree…

Whatever makes most sense. To me the most recent ones would be the most sensible ones, but doer decides.

@Sarah, Team Recruitment & Onboarding needs a better view on which units will still be free, so this task is rather urgent. Would it be feasible for you to set up the survey and present the results at the plenary meeting of 5 January? If not, no problem of course. @alberto told me he has some space and would be happy to step in.

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I am seeing Sarah tomorrow normally, we will discuss. If the reeflings are available to fill in the survey before the next plenary, i don’t see a problem. I can give support to Sarah if needed.

A personal question: how ‘final’ is this choice/when do we need to make the final choice? The architects indicated that during the permit process things can still change and thus units might still change. They will also be working on a more detailed price calculation which can lead to different choices. There might also be changes in your personal situation the coming months.

The architects indicated the ‘choix du groupe 1’ towards the end of march. Is this the time of the final decision (on the condition the permit process doesn’t change things drastically)? Or is it now or when is it?

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I say it is now, subject to there being no major surprises in the permit.

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I am claiming A4, so problem solved. I will even renounce the entrée couverte, so that contributes to the budget for about 15 m2 x 3.1 K EUR.

I can start it and request results for the 5th, but that might be a bit tight to get all answers I guess (personnally I’m not fully sure we can answer straight away as we are still processing the info from the weighing, and waiting on some answers, which might be a bit difficult to get with the hollidays…); but I’ll launch it and we will see…
As for analysing the results, I think we will be ok to do it ourselves, either Els or me.

I think I remember we viewed this exercice as informative and said that it wasn’t a final choice.

When can we make this final? It is blocking recruitment.

Technically the architects still put down the choice of the units at the end of the avant-projet stage, because the final price might still change after the end of the avant-projet (there are some new information from our coach that might change that slightly though - I’ll make a report soon of our meeting with him yesterday).

I think new commers will have to accept a certain degree of uncertainty (the same as we all did, and still kinda do because plans might have to evolve with the process of getting the permit…).