Plenary meeting 23/03 + reflection day 25/03 + plenary meeting 26/03

Hello @reeflings,

I have finished the agendas for our meetings of the next coming days, and a draft for those coming up in April. You can find them in Team Reef > Plenary meetings > Agendas & minutes (or here)

The location of this Thursday’s plenary is to be confirmed.

Quick warning: there’s a substantial amount of proposals and documents on the agendas, so reading up on everything may require you to set aside some time.

Kind request: I’m quite overstretched these days, so if there would be something that I overlooked, I’d be grateful if you could let me know so that I can set it straight.


Great work @Lee !

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Could it be considered to start the meeting on Sunday one hour later, ie at 11 instead of at 10, given the time change and the fact that we will lose an hour of sleep?

I won’t be able to come to the plenary tonight, but I’m reading the proposals so that I’m informed and can still share any comments I have on them.

@Sarah and @ClaudiaPr, in the proposal on enlarging the board it says “Because of the legal responsibilities they have, the President and Treasurer should be well informed and should thus be the same persons as those taking up the role of the Reef Coordinator and Treasurer respectively.” It also says ideally the board stays the same for two years (with the option to review every 12 months). I get the reasoning from the perspective of the board, but question for the group: how do we feel about the role of coordinator (outside the board) being filled by the same person for 2 years? That’s a lot of responsibility on one person for a fairly long time, and also impacts group dynamics, for sure in terms of (perceived) power.

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wow, beautiful stuff coming up! Thank you so much, @Lee for this huge work! look forward to attending and the outcomes!

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amazing scoping and planning . thanks for this huge work

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This is a pertinent observation.

It is not in the scope of the proposal (which is about the process, not the term), but it nevertheless suggests somewhere that until the group is complete we may decide to do a selection process for the Board every 12 months until the group is fully complete (to give newlings the possibility to join the Board). This can then easily overlap with the selection for the Coordinator.

@alberto can you add your notes from the plenary of the 23/03 in the agenda? I remember that there were some actions for the financing of the multi-purpose room for me :slight_smile:

Put in on Nextcloud at the end of the meeting: Nextcloud