Plenary meeting 25 January 2025

Hello @reeflings,

Just a quick message to request to keep the afternoon free. The agenda is not clear yet, but I think it’s likely that we will need extra time to discuss things.


Hello @reeflings,

Just a quick ping to let you know that the agenda is slowly starting to take shape.

Most proposals still need to be finalised, but the skeleton is there. These are the topics that are currently on the list:

  • Choice of units: report

  • Where to put the laundry room and the guest room

  • Contribution to the accord préalable for new Full Members

  • Governance reform for the avant-projet stage

  • Selection process for the Board of the ASBL


Plenary starts at 11? Just to double check :slight_smile:

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Yes, thanks for pointing that out. It’s a one-off experiment, and we’ll evaluate to see what it brings us.

As a result, the lunch break might be a bit shorter.

Would there be 1-2 volunteer(s) who would be willing to take care of lunch? It could be as simple as some baguettes and gluten-free bread, with cheese, spreads and a bit of lettuce.

I won’t have time to do it beforehand, but if no-one else does either, I can go down to the supermarket for supplies at the beginning of the lunch break…

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Proposal on buanderie and guestroom avaialble here: Location of buanderie and guestroom

Can we discuss this maybe?
Personnally I don’t think the choice should be starting later or having a long break. I feel that it doesn’t make much of a difference to finish at 5 or 5.30pm, does it?

Ok, I should have expressed myself clearer.

  1. Last time we shortened the lunch break.

  2. I would really appreciate it if somebody could spend their 2 hours of commitment on doing some shopping beforehand, so that we don’t have to have an entire group waiting for food after the first session. I’m currently spending 2 hours of work per day, up to five days a week, so it would mean a lot to me in terms of support and reciprocity.

For me personally, it does matter when it finishes btw, because it means the difference between being able to go swimming or not.