Plenary meeting 25 March 2025

Hello @reeflings,

To avoid last minute cancellations like yesterday, it seems like a good idea to poll more in advance who will be able to make it.

Could you please fill in the poll below?

As for the agenda, for now it looks like the topics will be the revised statutes and the performance reviews.

  • Yes I’ll be there
  • Nope can’t make it
0 voters

Sorry I said I could make it but I am afraid I cannot be there anymore tomorrow.

Hello @reeflings,

Given that we have to postpone the topic on the statutes, and that the number of people that is able to make is it a bit low for a performance review, my proposal would be to cancel the plenary of tomorrow.

We’ll see each other this Friday at the architects for a presentation on the façades, I guess with the possibility to go for dinner afterwards.

The next plenary, on 5 April, should normally really go through.