Plenary meeting 28/09

Hello @reeflings,

Tomorrow we’ll be seeing again for another plenary meeting. Please accept my apologies for posting the draft agenda so late. I have been a bit overwhelmed during the last week, and didn’t find the time that I needed.

1. Practical issues

First some practical stuff …

  • The meeting will take place at my place. The address is in the agenda and on the Nextcloud calendar.

  • As usual we start at 19:30 sharp, so please try to arrive 10-15 in advance.

  • If you are a buddy to a newling, can you please point them to this post, and - as an optional read - to our plenary meetings manual?

2. Draft agenda

The agenda is quite full, and almost every item has a document that needs to be read, checked or filled in to be able to follow the meeting. So if you can it would be great if you could set some time apart for this. Apologies again for the short notice!

A couple of questions:

  • @ChrisM if you have one ready, can you please add the follow-up to your performance review?

  • @reef-coordination: if you would like to add more tasks to the tasks list (see agenda), feel free to do so.

  • @ugne: I moved the point on the société simple to the end, because the agenda is very full and my feeling is that we are not clear enough to make a lot of impact by bringing it to the plenary at this stage. Is that ok with you?

  • @reef-governance: would somebody have the time to review the updated post titled “from scouting to purchasing” ? (the link is in the agenda)


Here’s the link to the agenda: Login – Nextcloud

I’ll do my best to do that before I start work tomorrow…


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Not sure if you meant building, but I guess I can comment from either :wink: I’ll comment directly in the post, it’s easier…

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I am on a break, and will not attend. I nominate Lie as my proxy.

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A bit late, but there is now a link to the facilitation performance review follow-up in the agenda. It’s a bit of a rush job, unfortunately, but I can tidy it up and expand on certain points later…

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Hi @Lee
Totally fine with that & after our finance meeting this week, I will come to you with some questions. I also can’t attend as we have our CEO is in town, but Manuel & Andrea will be attending.

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I also won’t be there tonight…
It’s not clear whether the vote is by household or by full member, but either way, Chris can vote for me!

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