Here’s a quick poll to see who can be present for the next plenary meeting. There may be quite some topics on the table, so ideally it would be great if we could turn it into a full day meeting.
Just to let you know that the draft agenda is now available. Topics currently included are the following:
Laundry room: where?: consent (level 3-4)
Plan for level -1: consent (level 3-4)
Pricing of the option: consensus (level 5)
Choice of the units: information
Recruitment of the last households: proposal (level 3)
Pricing of the Oak Tree units: consensus (level 5)
Cost of the second deed: consent (level 3)
Governance something (to be confirmed): shared understanding
About half of the proposals are already included in the agenda. @reef-building, can you please add the link to the proposal on the buanderie and on the outcome of the unit choice survey when they are available?
As for the logistics I propose the following:
We start at 10:30 and work our way down the agenda.
We convene at my place.
For lunch let’s go to the supermarket for some baguettes?
Just a quick note to let you know that all proposals are now in the agenda document, and a quick reminder that we have an informal agreement that participation in the rounds is preferably only for people who have read the proposals. That said, please don’t feel obliged to read it all. Standing aside is always a possibility.
Hello, I will put it in the agenda, but Richard and I will attend the plenary tomorrow. He’ll be there in the morning and I’ll stay for the afternoon session, we will overlap briefly (with Edgar) at lunch time and maybe we both have lunch there.
A question for which i don’t find the answer in the notes of today’s PM.
When is the deadline for the final decision of the choice of the units? I noted down January 25th but realize that if the presentation is moved forward to January 22nd this will be too late.
I didn’t really have a good perspective on dates when we discussed this, but we are meeting the architects on monday 13th, with some plans related questions following the discussion on the choice of units… Depending on the outcome of that, it might be a short to be able to vote on the 15th… But I guess we can aim for that and see…
One of the main reasons to plan the plenary meetings on the 5th, the 15th and the 25th, was to avoid losing time because of synching problems with the meetings with the architects.
Postponing the decision on the price of the options is something I would really like to avoid, because it will come at the cost of a delay, idem actually for finalising the plans as much as possible. Can you please see what can be done to keep us on track?