Plenary meeting on Sunday 4 February

Hello @reeflings,

I need to keep it super short due to personal circumstances, so grateful if you could interlace the below with the usual things that come with messages like this (“feel free object etc”)

I propose that we hold the plenary meeting from 10:30 until 12:30. Key topics are likely to include a long Q&A item on the société simple’s statutes, and a hopefully also vote on MOL-26.

After that we can organise a potluck lunch. Would somebody be willing to coordinate this, and make sure that there is enough food, including for those with dietary requirements?

In the afternoon, for those who would like to, we can organise a review session like it is done in sociocracy, and do some rounds on what we think is going well, and which things could be improved. This would be from 14:00 until 16:00.

Further details on all of the above will be posted in this thread.


I’ll do that :slight_smile:



It’s looking that there will be a change of plan, and that we’ll convert the afternoon session into a Full Members meeting. This is because we had to cancel this week’s FM meeting and we dearly need one.

Just to be able to plan the event, can you please indicate whether you will be present?

  • Morning plenary: yes I’ll be there
  • Morning plenary: won’t be there
  • Full Members meeting: yes, I’ll be there
  • Full Members meeting, won’t be there
0 voters
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Hi @reeflings !

Having volunteered to be point person for the pot luck lunch after the plenary this Sunday, it would be good to have a clear idea about numbers. So if you haven’t done so already, could you please fill in the poll above…

The venue is in the process of being confirmed, and once I have this info we can think about coffee, tea, snacks, etc. as part of the lunch plan :slight_smile:


Any idea if the feasibility studies for MOL-26 and JET-14 will be ready by Sunday or maybe it’s hard to predict?

Team Building asked the architects about that and this was their answer: nous pourrons vous envoyer les études pour le vendredi 02/02, mais elles ne seront peut-être pas finies à 100%, si nous consultons les communes les pompiers ou la région, il faut voir si nous aurons des rendez-vous dans ces délais …

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Now they should know that, no?

I guess they’ll send us whatever they have by Friday.


Hi all !

Pinging everyone who will be at the plenary meeting on Sunday morning : @mieke, @els, @Caro, @Quentin, @Lee, @alberto, @ugne, @manuelpueyo, @Justin_N, @Lea and @MariaAM.

For the pot luck lunch afterwards, the plan is a simple one: bring some food to share with everyone. Lie has coffee and tea covered, and a couple of leftover beers. Unfortunately, Sarah and I can’t make it in the end, but feel free to coordinate with one another if needed. It wouldn’t be the worst thing if one or two people put their energy towards desert, and someone included a couple of bottles of juice as part of their contribution.

The Members Registry ( has info on everyone’s food preferences…



I could get a nice chocolate cake from tartes de Francoise or something perhaps lactose free, can ask!

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I could bring hummus from the supermarket & a homemade pepper spread

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Hello @reeflings,

1. Draft agenda

If everything goes well, this Sunday’s plenary meeting will have the following items on the agenda:

  • Feasibility study JET-14

  • Feasibility study MOL-26

  • First reading of the société simple’s statutes

The links to the documents can be found in the agenda document (see Team Reef > internal link)

For the société simple’s statutes we will operate under our “participation means power” adagio, which will translate into inviting people to only participate in the Q&A if they have read the documents.

The feasibility studies have yet to come in, but when they do somebody from Team Building will ping everybody in the Signal Emergency Chat to flag that you can find the link in the agenda.

2. Practical things

  • The plenary meeting will take place at my place. We will start at 10:30 sharp, so please arrive 5-10 minutes in advance.

  • After that, there will be a potluck brunch:

    • People with dietary requirements include two vegans, a couple of vegetarians, one dairy-egg-gluten-free picky eater and one who can’t eat any sugars or carbs.
    • The easiest to coordinate is if everybody fills in what they’ll bring in one document (internal link), but you can also just improvise and hope everybody will find something to eat :slightly_smiling_face:
  • At 14:00 sharp we will then start the Full Members meeting, about which we hope to report afterwards.


Just wanted to double check something. On the thread for how we go from scouting to purchasing a site (From scouting to purchasing a site: the process step-by-step), it says that 3 weeks after a feasibility study is presented there will be a vote on whether or not to buy:

5. Presentation of the feasibility studies at a plenary meeting

  • Team Building will present the feasibility studies that have been completed at a plenary meeting. The links to these studies should be in the draft agenda 3 days ahead of the meeting at the latest.
  • The sites that have been presented will then be scheduled for a vote at the next plenary meeting, 3 weeks later. This means that Full Members have 3 weeks to learn more about the site to inform their vote.

But we don’t actually have feasibility studies for the two sites on the agenda for tomorrow, just a report on how the feasibility study is progressing. They aren’t yet ready to provide things like drawings or price estimates per square metre, which are fairly significant to the decision-making process.

So am I right in thinking that the discussion about the two sites tomorrow is a preliminary one, rather than the beginning of a 3-week countdown to a decision?


Yes, I’m expecting that it will be 10-15 minute update, because they didn’t send us much more than a bit of text. So the next meeting we will be having a look in detail at the actual feasibility studies, and then three weeks later we vote. One thing that could happen in theory, is that it becomes urgent to make a decision. In that case we’d have to organise an online meeting.