Plenary meeting this Sunday + introduction to NVC

Hello @reeflings,

This Sunday we are meeting for a plenary meeting in the morning, and an introductory training on NVC in the afternoon.

Plenary meeting

  • As we don’t have a lot of topics to cover, I propose that we start at 11:00 am, aiming to finish by 12:30.

  • There are three points on the agenda (internal link), two of which you would need to have a look at before the meeting: the teams set-up and the proposal on the absolute minimum commitment.

  • @reef-associate and @reef-exploring: we have a two-pager on how our plenary meetings work. Would you be willing to have a look at that?

Introduction to nonviolent communication

  • At 2 pm we’ll have a short introduction to nonviolent communication, which is part of our onboarding trainings.

  • We’ll be focussing a lot on feelings and needs, and for that I’d like to use the CNVC’s list. Can you please download and print the CNVC’s document? If this is something that you are more comfortable with in your native language, feel free to print the one in English and in the language of your choice. This is the link: (you can change languages at the top left)

Practical details & to do

  • We will be in Ten Weyngaert in Forest, the address is in the agenda.

  • Let’s meet at 10:45, so that we can set up the room and start at 11:00 sharp.

  • Lunch, coffee and tea will be foreseen (please bring some small change for the kitty). For cakes there is a competition: Sunday morning Plenary: cake competition?

  • Things to do:

    • Check the agenda and prepare the points on the teams set-up and the absolute minimum commitment.

    • Read the two-pager on how our plenaries work (if you are relatively new to The Reef).

    • Print a copy of the feelings and needs list for the training on nonviolent communication.

    • Fill in the poll below to confirm your presence or absence (if possible ASAP, because we need to buy the right amount of food).

    • If you have any dietary restrictions, please flag them to Dave via Signal (you can find his number by clicking on " group settings" in The Reef’s groups, or else ask your buddy).

    • If you like: bake your best cake.

  • Plenary meeting: yes
  • Lunch: yes please
  • Nonviolent communication: yes
  • Sorry, can’t make it
0 voters

For those who will be attending the session on NVC and who like to scribble, I have saved the Powerpoint on Nextcloud (internal link).

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Hello everyone!
You’re gonna say I’m a broken record but… I really enjoyed today’s plenary, and I would love it if Sunday plenaries were a feature of how we work, at least from time to time…
So could it be the time to review our initial proposal and discuss what we want to do for the future?


Sure thing. It’s on the list of proposals to be reviewed anyway, but let’s maybe also add it to the agenda of the Coordination Group and/or that of Team Governance & Working Methods?


Good idea! I can add it to the backlog of team gov (although we might have to pick it up before our next meeting, let’s see), , but might be good to discuss in at coordination too…

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