This is a post dedicated to sharing plenary minutes when they are ready and in our usual folder (internal link).
This is important because in our new governance document, if full members don’t agree with a decision that has been taken, they have the possibility to flag this within 48 hours after the minutes are finished. Note that this is a last resort process, as the encouragement is to share your objections online ahead of the meeting, and/or make sure you give proxy voting to another member.
Can the minute taker for each plenary:
post a message in this thread saying the plenary minutes are done with a link to the document/folder
tag all reeflings
copy/paste the action points so that people get a kind reminder of the things that need to be done
The minutes from our last plenary are available (very very sorry about the delay, it just slipped out of my head…) in our usual folder (internal link). @alberto and @justin: can you check the detailed minutes and adjust as needed? Thanks! @alberto: maybe the explanations about the locked account should find its way somewhere in the documentation explaining the SoSim?
And finally here are the action points :
Action points
Alberto : check why exactly did T Recruitment’s spending increased
Lie: send lawyer’s bill to Alberto
Team Finance+ Team governance: rework the budget proposal and overall process
Team finance: prepare an exploration of scenarios for a group discussion
Chris/Team Recruitment: make sure everybody is aware of all the info that was shared
Team finance: clarify the issue of the 6/21% and the group having to be the same
Governance document
Statutes helping circle: work out how to we reconcile informal and formal gov? Can we match statutes and sociocracy?
Hand gestures
Team faciliation: adjust the proposal with suggestion
Lie: put the document in the plenary manual once that”s done
Hi @reeflings !
The minute of Yesterday’s plenary meeting is now available in the agenda.
Taking into account the urgency of our situation now, Lie is now preparing a table to follow up the action plan.
On a more general note I would recommend, for the next coming weeks, to deprioritise everything that isn’t urgent and/or important.
At the same time it’s also important to be reminded of our agreement on responsibility: it’s really fine if life gets in the way and you can’t do what you committed to do, but please call for help as soon as you notice, so that somebody else can take over.
Finally a quick reminder that we have a list of “keyholders” (internal link), which are designated people who are the only ones who can contact people like the notary, the architects etc. Deviating from that system is of course always possible, but please consult first with the keyholders before you go ahead, and put them in cc (together with The Reef) if that’s what’s convenient for them.
Not sure this is the right thread, but it was an action point from me: @Lee, Mark confirms he is available for a debrief tonorrow evening (“my bext meeting is at 20.00”).
I had to download and reupload the document, and I can’t see exactly when was the last time people made modifications, and whether that was after I dowloaded it. So before uploading, I have saved the older version in Archive, please have a look at it if you think you modified the document after the plenary started.
There is a point where I have a gap. @Lee or @alberto can you have a look, as the exchange was between you two.
Plenary minutes are available in our usual doc.
Below key points and action points:
Key points
Team inclusion needs more manpower! Lie will join for now, anybody else welcome as well!
We agreed to share our conundrum about common spaces to the architects, so that they can help us making a choice about whether to have one volume or 2 for our common spaces. We agreed on a guest room with proper walls
On inclusive units, we agreed moving ahead while also measuring the concern. This means that we will gather more information about Oaktree. In the meantime, we will also pass on their program to the architects, so that they can make a first evaluation on what is possible or not, and share it with us. We will then reconvene and rediscuss (mid september)
On accessibility, we agreed to include an amendment to the proposal and ask the architects whether house lifts are an option
Action points
Sarah/Lie? : fill in pros and cons for 1 vs 2 volumes and have it approved by group
Lie : include multi-voting minutes in the meeting minutes
Common spaces helping circle: include Lie’s conclusion in proposal + decision on guest room
Team inclusion:
Organise a Q and A with Oaktree
Organise a visit to Oekelaar before 15/09
Ask Mark: when he says “ideally 20-30” in a cohousing, is it 20-30 units or 20-30 owners?
Organise a discussion mid september to reevaluate everything (Reeflings weekend?)
Lie : share program to the architect
Team building: organise a meeting with the architects to debrief on their first evaluation of what is and isn’t possible