POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread

@alberto had created a new permanent link for us which is in the calendar! That’s where I am at now.

Ooops! Now we have two locations! Let’s meet at Alberto’s as per Nica’s info.

Hi @Nica, I’ve uploaded my second piece of homework here.

I think the three pieces of homework will become successively shorter as ‘anger at elites’ was discussed by more respondents than ‘distrust of science/anti-vax sentiment’, which in turn was discussed by more respondents than ‘gender’.


Hi @rebelethno,

Greetings from EASA 22 conference. Me and @Maniamana presented our preliminary findings focusing on precarious workers, as part of the Trust and Violence in Times of Political Transformation panel.

We got lots of interesting questions and comments from the audience.

Screenshot 2022-07-27 at 11.09.37


Hi @rebelethno – I am thinking through our discussion from Friday’s meeting, about the possible analytical frameworks (more comparative focused vs single case study focused), and I would like to understand more what the current disjuncture between codes is.

  1. @Jirka_Kocian – I think you have a page describing all the code architecture, right? Could you please point me to it? I don’t think I have it.

  2. My understanding is, the German codes are more detailed/nuanced than the Polish and Czech codes. Is that an accurate impression? If so, how did that transpire? My understanding was that there was a big push among the ethnographers to standardize the codes as much as possible, so did the “individual” codes end up being off-shoots from standardized parent code categories?

  3. How much of a difference there is in codes between the case studies? This is of course important to understand to get a sense of whether the differences that emerge through visualizations are a function of the on-the-ground data being different, or the coding / methodology being divergent enough to produce notable differences?

Hi @Nica

Having looked at some of the Polish coding, I wouldn’t say that the German codes are more nuanced; they are just different. And they are different because, when I came to code the German interviews, the existing codebook (based primarily on Czech and Polish codes) was insufficient to capture what my respondents were saying. The reasons people support populist beliefs in the three case studies are quite different (e.g. not a single mention of religion in the German data) and we need to capture these differences through the codes. I would therefore disagree that the codes should be standardised as much as possible if this means that they fail to capture they key differences.


Dear all. My nice is getting married today. I thought they are going to have the ceremony in the morning and lunch from 12. But the ceremony is from 1 pm and family lunch from 2 pm Czech time. I am not sure if I will have the possibility to log in today. Please, let me know, if there will be something important at the meeting. Maybe, record it. Have nice summer days and see you next time.

All that matters is that the codes are standardized across the three case studies – and I believe they are, given the huge work done by @Jan and @Jirka_Kocian and others, with that gigantic table. If you can confirm this, then the comparative analysis is solid, and the diversity of perspective on populism is a result.

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Hi team, there has been a development regarding the first batch of Polish interviews. Long story short: the transcriber I hired have quit, she didn’t transcribe the last 9 interviews, that I was waiting for this week, so I will sit to it and finish it off by the end of the weekend. If I manage, and Wojt will manage with the coding, we should be done with it by Monday.
Next I will get back to homeworks, and hire someone new. It seems that pandemic has made it somehow a bit more difficult to find competent transcribers with a background who would be trustworthy to work on them, bc mundane tasks at that one are not an attractive option anymore. At least, that’s what I have been told by some of my anthropological Polish colleagues.

I have communicated it to @Wojt and @Nica directly, and I am posting it here now bc I won’t be able to attend the meeting today - I have 3 interviews scheduled for today for the post-war interview batch, one of them was supposed to be at 12, but was moved by the interviewee to 3 pm, and I have another one just after that.

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Hello. Are we meeting today? I am with Lea in Munich in a museum at the moment. But I can listen to the call on my headphones.

I am available

Hi @rebelethno,

Going through some literature, I sometimes come across some interesting analogies/comparisons that authors make between Czech and Polish cases (politics, nationalism, populism etc.)… Germany is usually not mentioned, but still…

I therefore set up a new google doc in the D2.7 POPREBEL Ethno Report folder where we can collect relevant extracts, direct quotations and references. This might be helpful for when writing up the section on comparisons.

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Thank you @jitka.kralova that is great!

Hi @Nica

I’ve just uploaded the German gender homework here.

I’m flying back to London tomorrow for the weekend, so won’t be able to attend Friday’s meeting.
Please let me know if there’s additional homework for me.

Thank you Richard! I myself am actually also away, so won’t be at the meeting tomorrow. I will go through this and ping you with any comments/questions!


Hi, guys. I won’t be able to attend the meeting today. The coding is basically done (I just need to recheck if everything is covered). Presently, I’m reviewing the codes I applied.
I also spoke to Mania and she said that there are a few interviews still to be uploaded. I’ll keep you posted.

Hi all,

I would also prefer to spend the afternoon working on the homework. But if some of us are still meeting I can join for a bit. I will be off whole of next week.

Let me know, J.

I am available for the meeting, and I will be available to attend the next meeting too. As for the interviews, the positive development is that I found a new transcriber. For the interviews I needed to transcribe over the weekend, almost all are done, and the homework is also progressing, despite the fact that I found out earlier this week that I have Lyme disease, and that the persistent flue like symptoms is because of that, and that I was misdiagnosed earlier. Luckily the same antibiotics are applied in both cases, but more in the case of borreliosis. I am feeling okay and able to work, but the news is particularly striking because the social perception of Lyme disease is the topic of my doctoral research, and I don’t know how to place my head around it yet and how it will change my research process and all that.

Continuing the discussion from POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread:

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well.

I just want to double check we are meeting tomorrow to talk/work on the spreadsheets and codes (@Jirka_Kocian @Richard @Wojt @Jan )?? I have in my notes that we are meeting at 11:30AM (EST, USA)??

Stay safe! Best,

Sorry, I have a meeting in Berlin I can’t get out of. But I’d be happy for you all to merge the German codes, as necessary.