POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread

Hi, I am in, counting with the meeting. J

Hi! What link are we using? Should I send a zoom link?

We can try here:

Dear all

Is there a meeting today? If so, I’m afraid I won’t make it as I have a meeting in Berlin I need to attend.

Update: (i) I have submitted my three pieces of homework; (ii) I have resolved the problem of ‘inaccurate labelling by language’ that Alberto identified for German to ensure that there are no codes without an English label. (Some codes have both an English and German label but we don’t need the German label for visualisation purposes.)

There remains the problem of duplicate codes. I have merged the ones specifically for German but, as the other duplications cross languages, I wouldn’t want to merge all the duplications as per this spreadsheet that Alberto produced. Quick meeting next week? As I understand it, this is a separate issue from creating higher-level codes to increase occurrences. Is that right?

Hi team, some updates on my side:

  • All of the 59 Polish interviews for the first batch are at the platform right now.
  • I am helping Wojt code, and so we should have all of them coded in no time.
  • The new transcriber is starting next week, and she says she can do up to 3 interviews per day (an hour each), so I hope the interviews that I will do till the end of August are going to be transcribed by the first week of September.
  • When I am done with coding I will prioritize homeworks, and then focus on finishing the second batch of interviews.

As I am tight on my work schedule I will skip today’s meeting (I was attending the one last week) and keep doing the coding.
Let me know if you have any questions.


Hey, are we meeting here?

@Jirka_Kocian and @Wojt Sirs, where are we meeting?

Hi, everybody.
I’m on my parental duties at the time of our meeting with the full squad (all three of them little weasels) and won’t be able to attend.

Hi everyone,
I cannot attend tomorrow’s meeting because I’m flying/moving to London.

I’ll check here for any updates when I arrive.

Hey guys,
My close friend was admitted to the hospital so I am with her. She’s ok now, but I won’t be attending the meeting.

I have been talking with Jan and Mania and will be working on the Ukraine write up in the upcoming days. Let me know if anything else needs to be sorted on my side.

Have a good weekend,

Hello ethnography team, here is a question from the developers to you :slight_smile:

So basically, we have prepared a major update of the Open Ethnographer tool (the long-planned “Projects” feature). We could (and would like to) install it now, but the effect would be that Graphryder will not receive new data from the Edgeryders forum until @hugi has finished the adaptations necessary on that side, which will be “some time in December”. Any new annotations, code renaming / reorganizing etc. that you would do on the Edgeryders platform would not be visible in the Graphryder tool until that time in December. The data you see in Graphryder right now is what you’d see instead.

Question: Are you ok with that, or do you require up-to-date data in Graphryder in December for your work? You can also say that you’re ok with looking at old data in Graphryder for a certain time in December (from, to) and then @daniel and @hugi can coordinate the work around that.

Not trying to disturb your work. Just let us know what you need :slight_smile:

(Maybe @Nica has the best overview of who does what and can ask the appropriate team members for their opinion on this question. Thank you Nica!)

Apologies for the delayed response – I missed the ping.

The code work and visualizations are done so it should not be a problem. It will be good to know when the adaptations are done because I believe @Jan and team will want to code another batch of interviews, but those are not a part of the final report we are working on, so not time-sensitive in the same way.

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Update: we are discussing this in the team meeting and people have different thoughts. @SZdenek will weigh in.

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@matthias & @hugi, I will have to do some coding and code merging in the Sexuality in the Media subproject. I need it for deliverable for Poprebel. Can you leave the updating of coding from Edgeryders to Graphryder till 8th December incl., please? Thanks.


Thanks for the answers @Nica and @SZdenek, this is what we needed to know.

So we’ll not touch the current installation until the morning of Dec 9th. If you need more time @SZdenek, just let me know here before.

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Guys, esp. @Nica and @SZdenek, I have to do some server work this evening. This may result in intermittent downtime of the Graphryder installation this evening.

Edit: Work done. From now on, the following URLs will be permanently available to serve the Graphryder 2.0 software:

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Greetings from Warsaw! I got to catch up with @Jirka_Kocian and @Jan and meet @Maniamana and @Wojt for the first time. :slight_smile:

Back to work …

@Djan reviewed the German interviews and Team Deutschland has concluded that we’re not going to be able to produce a table on political preferences. (Germans tend not to disclose this sort of information.) We can infer our respondents’ views on the political establishment but not related to specific political parties.



@rebelethno aww major FOMO! Hope you guys had fun and the conference was a success! :heart:

wonderful to see you all together!