POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread

@Maniamana or ask me, I am an admin.

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Hi Alberto, could you create three separate protected areas for each of the three fieldworks? The ā€œold oneā€ will serve as a repository of some inside notes, and such.

The next question is, will the coded interviews/the old interviews end up in there? Me, Djan and Jitka agreed that it would be best if we could have everything in one place. The question is, whether or not we need to move old interviews manually and code them again (which might be need anyways, to code them thicker with labels now that they are going to be turned into dicussions).


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Lovely, grazie mille!

Hi Alberto. For some reason I cannot see these new protected cats. I think I had a similar issue last time. Do we need a special access permission or something? Thanks.

The reason is, you had not been added to the @poprebel group that has access to the protected categories. Even with an Edgeryders account, people who are not part of that group cannot see those cats or access their content. I added you and @Maniamana (same problem) now.

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However, @rebelethno, be aware that now you have a bit of a proliferation of categories. Are you sure you need them all?



Letā€™s start from here and we will see how it goes - we might move stuff out of the joint protected area, the one called protected ethnographic data, and delete it afterward, but letā€™s see how things go.

Thank you for the offer of re-coding the Polish interviews. Please go ahead and do so. And no need for links to example interviews in this case.

Sorry for the boring work it causes, but for 8-9 interviews this is much better than developing a complex script that weā€™d have to throw away afterwards. Esp. given that the IT budget for features has long run out anyway.

For the future development (in a new project with new budget), I make a note that a feature for duplicating posts incl. annotations should be added. And automatic adjustment of annotations when editing coded posts.

Continuing the discussion from POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread:

Hello @matthias, sorry for the late reply, I missed the last meeting and it took me a bit to catch up on everything. Jitka posted all the Czech interviews into a single Topic 15553, as separate replies. So far, only the first two were coded, so I can can recode them quite easily.

Thank you for the answer, @Jirka_Kocian! Yes, in this case, please re-code the interviews manually. No way we could speed this up with a script, as itā€™s not an easy script to write.

(Also, I donā€™t see a need to keep this to a message thread, so Iā€™m moving our discussion into the original discussion topic. Just for future reference and to provide context to the others.)

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hey @amelia do we have a link for the call?

We meet biweekly, not weekly, but you guys are welcome to catch up / talk if you need.

ok, I misunderstood. Your summary of last session states ā€œnext fridayā€ā€¦but you probably meant the next friday we meet :slight_smile:

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Hi @alberto, so I encountered a problem. I started manually reinserting the existing interviews in the new protected category, however when I am logged in with my participantā€™s (guerilla) email, I donā€™t have access to the protected cat, therefore I am not able to reply to the interview questions.

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@jitka.kralova, the solution is this: when using your guerrilla mail accounts, navigate to the POPREBEL groupā€™s homepage and request to be added to the group. I have now made yourself, @Richard and @Wojt owners of the group, so you can then log in as yourself and authorize the guerrilla account. This only needs to be done once per account, after that the guerrilla account will keep access to the protected groups.


Awesome thank you Alberto. For some weird reason, once I accepted this new accountā€™s (zuzana) membership request, logged in as Zuzana, I cannot see the V Cesku protected cat. See below:
Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 17.42.51

Any idea why is this so?

Dear @Djan, @jitka.kralova or @Maniamana

As I missed the last meeting, could I have a quick meeting with one of you to talk me through what was agreed about splitting interviews. Iā€™m free tomorrow before 13.00 CET.



Yes, I think I know why. Should be fixed now.

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Thank you, @jitka.kralova, for the catch-up call.

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