POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread

It’s all working now. Thank you :slight_smile:

Dear all

Is there really no option other than recoding them all again manually? I’ve coded 12 interviews.


Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 18.21.40

This is not a big deal…but just checking if the limit could be changed, just for the sake of a smoother transfer.

Yes, it can. I think @amelia should be able to increase the trust level of your newly created accounts.

There is the possibility to do it via script, but it would probably be longer than manual recoding. Here is the explanation:

Alberto, me and Djan will also need this permission, as we are going to be the one shifting all the ethno data :smiley: :smiley:


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Great, thank you so much for a quick replay!!

Hey @amelia, did you get a chance to have a look at this? It would actually speed up the process quite significantly. Thanks a lot :slight_smile: J.

Hi— are you referring to increasing the trust level of your new accounts? I’m not sure how to do that. Maybe @alberto can help.

Give me the names of your new accounts and I will try to do it, though!

@amelia navigate the the profile page of a user, then click on the “admin” icon. Trust levels are under “Permissions”. Set to 2, should be enough.

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Thanks @alberto ! @jitka.kralova, if you give me the account names, I can do this for you.

@Amelia I think the account names are in the protected Czech area!

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Also, I realized I also have admin powers so I can do this for all my interviewees! yay!

Great! Thanks Mania. On it now, @jitka.kralova, will be done in a few minutes.

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We are here again, see you in a few!

Meeting Notes 2021-06-04T13:00:00Z2021-06-04T14:30:00Z

Ethnographer Updates:


  • Meeting people in online public spaces who talk about politics

Research focus

  • Main research questions in project in file put together, stick to them
  • Current political events
  • Go towards political choices
  • Djan — toxic masculinity

Frame in this manner rather than saying let’s stick to people aged 15-40

Categories Homework

Emotions - @Jirka_Kocian. Break up existing emotion category into some more readable subcategories. Then we will compare to existing emotion models as we go.

People and Identity - @Richard, merging and reorganising identity categories.

Ideology and Values + Beliefs - @amelia, focus on the “isms” as Ideology, everything else is Values and Beliefs.

@Jan will create categories for Institutions, Organisations and Social Movements by breaking up/reorganising the existing categories of Movements and Historical Events, Social and Political Processes, and Institutions.

Resource Needs and Problems - @Wojt will edit and organise these categories as needed.

@Jan @Wojt and @Maniamana are doing an intercoder reliability exercise.

@jitka.kralova and @Maniamana will organise a time with @amelia to do coding training (please reach out to me with scheduling suggestions. Next week Thursday is looking open, if that works for you all).


Meanwhile, the hierarchy of POPREBEL now looks like this:



Hey @amelia and @Maniamana, what is your availability next week for the coding training? @Djan would you like to join in for that as well? :slightly_smiling_face: