POPREBEL steering board meeting coming up: what's the word from Edgeryders?

Heads up: this Friday is POPREBEL steering board meeting. We are supposed to deliver a short update, and to make proposal for some diss/comm stuff to happen after the summer. Real shame, both @nadia and @marina are gone this week.

@amelia, any thoughts?

Update: we finished our pilot phase and are well into the main body of research for the project. Our field ethnographers have gathered rich interviews that our data analysts are hard at work coding. This has lead to a much more solidified coding schema that is now well on its way to providing theoretical contributions to the study of populism (as well as descriptive and analytical ones).

From the partners, we would like to announce our plan to interview partners on the platform and code those interviews as another analytical layer to our research – comparing their theoretical orientations / analyses of populism to those of our informants. Their work will then form a part of the SSNA (and be visualisable as part of the network alongside those informant contributions). So please get in touch if you’re keen to talk about your work on the platform – and we’ll be reaching out too!

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as far as diss/comm, not my expertise, but I know we are keen to be writing academic papers based on our analysis following the conclusion of the ethnographic part of the project. The ethnographic research will conclude in December and paper writing will happen in the project extension phase (starting Jan 2022).

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Hi back now. If it’s still something to discuss I’m available with fairly free schedule for next week

Hi, no need. The steering board meeting was last Friday. I represented ER.