Potluck brunch at Chris and Sarah's place (17 September)

[Go straight to 16/9 update below]

Hi @reeflings !

There will be another bbq at our place this Saturday, for everyone who is still a part of the Reef project. It will also be an opportunity for the small group of people that Ralf is fast-tracking before the next presentation in October to come and meet a few of the current team :slight_smile:

This time we’ll start at about 3ish, and probably light the bbq about 5ish. You’re all welcome to come early, late or anytime in between. As always, there will be no shortage of food and drink, whenever you happen to arrive.

As most of you know, we’re in Anderlecht, quite close to the Saint Guidon metro station, and there’s plenty of STIB and De Lign public transport coming from all directions. The address can be found easily in the Members Registry file on Nextcloud.

It’s forecast to be dry, but not particularly warm. We’ll inevitably light a fire at some point, but probably a good idea to bring a few layers if you plan on being there in the evening

At some point later in the week we’ll start thinking about who needs to bring what, but for now the main thing is to get an idea of how many people would like to come, so that we can be well prepared regarding chairs, plates, etc. So let us know in reply to this thread if you’re around on the 17th and keen to attend…



Lovely! Count me in!

We had a look at the weather and so far it’s not looking great… but it’s quickly changing so let’s keep an eye on it .
If the weather is indeed :cloud_with_rain:, we are thinking of a NZ potluck (= auberge espagnole :wink: )
We’ll keep you posted!

Damn, I’m going to miss this one as well. :frowning:

Not too long before it becomes raclette season :wink:

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Hey everyone!
Nice initiative ! Thank you!! Manuel will be working in the outdoor pool - the Flow - the one nearby your house on Saturday , but i would love to come with Ada. We will probably not stay too long as we have a dinner planned that evening, but very happy to catch up with you all for a while & meet some new people :relaxed: let us know what to bring!


Great! Also we now have a childrens corner, so Ada is more than welcome!


Thank you for the invite ! Sadly, I won’t be in Brussels this weekend.

Oh no :frowning:
Hope to see you next time!

I will pass by :v:
See you soon and Thanks again for organizing!

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all right! I have the confirmation from new people who are interested in the Reef to join on saturday. (I can’t confirm yet myself, I hope to do so by tomorrow evening).
Ana Povoas & her Partner will come with 2 kids, one 8 and the other 1 year old.
If there are french speakers around would be good, especially for the 8 year old kid.
seeya tonight!



As discussed at the plenary meeting last night, due to a number of circumstances we’ve had to change this event from an afternoon bbq to a midday brunch. Really sorry if that means that some of you can’t make it in the end :-/

So the new plan is to have a potluck brunch from 11h to 13h, with the “potluck” meaning that everyone brings a little something. We’ll do mushrooms, eggs, bread, tea, coffee and juice. Feel free to bring anything brunchy to add to the mix.

The weather is supposed to be a bit grim tomorrow, but if we get lucky, we might still be able to set up outside for some of it.

@matteomeschiari - I’m tagging you just to make sure you see this message about the change, as you weren’t there yesterday.

@Ralf - if you could let me know who to expect from the new crew, that would be good…

Finally, if we get a warm spell in the next month, we will have another go at doing a bbq. If not, definitely a raclette night or potluck dinner…

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@ChrisM, Tom confirmed that he’ll be there.

See you tomorrow!

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Great! We will be all there! Manuel will stay for an hour or so as he needs to start his job at the swimming pool (nearby your house) at midday. Look forward!


Thanks for the update! Unfortunately at that time I cannot make it.
Best case scenario I will pass by towards the end to say hello :slight_smile: